I miss my kitty........
The shop is closing now, and I have been tasked with inventorying and logging EVERY tool in the building. Holy hell. I am in charge of the awesome tool room, awesome because it's in the back and I can bring my laptop. I am loving this, while everybody sits around bored to death, my thirteen hours went by in a flash, playing music the whole day and looking at interesting tools, like a three foot long pipe wrench that I have never seen anybody ever actually use. This place is closing, and next Friday, the fourth of November, my trip back home begins. Hopefully this upcoming job goes through, that will be the single greatest step in achieving my dream of my shop. If it doesn't, however, I will not be upset, really. This past month has been much much more than I could have hoped for. I couldn't be happier, or prouder, in myself.
Something very weird is happening. Something that I thought I had a decent control over is showing me otherwise. I mean, I spent longer overseas before and never had this problem. The only possible explanation I could come up with is that the missions are gunfire and explosions were a release of some sort. I can only speculate, really, but for the first time in my life, I suppose, fuck, how do I even say this....
I don't think I masturbate enough anymore, because HOLY FUCK I'm horny!!!!
Seriously, I can be walking around work and next thing you know Mr. Happy Dance wants to tango. Just for the record, I have never referred to my penis like that before, and not sure why I did just there, but it looks funny, so I'm fucking keeping it lol. Suddenly there I'll be, half mast and thinking about nothing else other than a great session in my bed or shower or car or couch or, fuck, even the dirty ass work benches here. It's craziness, I get off EVERY day, and have never had this insanity run through me so much.
What is a man to do with limited materials to use?
Oh, and LOL as well.
Sounds like you are turning in to me! Still waiting for Chick to open up =/