It is said that a nation gets the government it deserves. When I hear it or read it I stop to wonder how true this is. If it is true then what is so wrong with the United States and its citizens that in the thirty-three years I have been alive there has not been one honest president. Why is it that our senators and representatives are more concerned about how much campaign money and corporate kickbacks they can pocket while in office? Why does the government of such a free country pass law after law, chipping slowly and sometimes rapidly away at freedom? Why does the government hide behind the shield of national security to cover up for blatant obfuscation of facts, dishonesty and pure ineptitude? When did finding seventy eight thousand gallons of nerve gas become a war of occupation which has cost more lives than were lost in the initial attack? Why cant a single one of our elected and appointed officials take responsibility for their corruption and bumbling foolishness?
If a country gets the kind of government it deserves why do we deserve this government we have? Why do we deserve the lies? Why do we deserve tinkle on economics? Why do we deserve bait and switch politics? Why do we deserve elections where mud slinging is more important than who can do the job? Why do we deserve a government as corrupt and dishonest as ours has become?
If a country gets the kind of government it deserves why do we deserve this government we have? Why do we deserve the lies? Why do we deserve tinkle on economics? Why do we deserve bait and switch politics? Why do we deserve elections where mud slinging is more important than who can do the job? Why do we deserve a government as corrupt and dishonest as ours has become?
we don't deserve it. that's why we're trying to fix it now!