Its been awhile since I have posted anything. Well ill tell you first off I have been really busy. This deployment has had its up and downs. Just a few weeks ago the back of my vehicle and the front of the striker got hit with an IED. Luckily no one was hurt which is good. But its all been spiraling down. I pride myself on being a good leader. But lately my guys feel the need to question every single thing that is asked of them. Don't get me wrong everyone wants to know why they do one thing or another. But to ask the point where I have to explain myself to lower ranking soldier is ridiculous. Sorry guys but it only get worse since I am the only guy with courage to stand up for other people when I yell or discipline a junior soldier I get labeled a asshole. Which everyone that is not the case. Aside from that I am excited to see so many great set. One in particular is Nirvanas Waterfall by the beautiful miss Trancee. I hope everyone in SG world has a great time wherever you are. Peace 

Yeah! You've been really busy! I know you told me, but still sucks! Hope everyone is safe. Everyone is always gonna bitch and moan about everything. Nothing new. So don't worry about it.