The start of another day in Iraq, i'm sure it will be hot as hell today too. I woke up maybe 30 mins ago, thinking about what my next tattoo whould be and where. I want to cover my right arm, I know that for sure. But,i'm not sure exactly to cover it with. It has to be in black scale, and it must goalong with the dark theme i want on the right side of my body. I was thinking maybe about some winding thorn vines or barbed wire starting from my neck down to my wrist, with a bunch of skulls and demon faces (in pain, pissed off, smoking, ect...). I'm thinking about getting the skull SG somewhere, bold too.
*Sigh* I often wish I could have multiple different skins, like clothes, so thati can get all the tats I want and change into which ever skin and tats go with my mood or outfit that day. How tight would that be...
*Sigh* I often wish I could have multiple different skins, like clothes, so thati can get all the tats I want and change into which ever skin and tats go with my mood or outfit that day. How tight would that be...

that would, indeed, be quite awesome