So, I was heading over to my friend's house to finish up some wrappingmfor the family. I needed another place to do it because it's difficult to wrap Christmas presents with the recipients in the room. Plus it's nice to just hang around with friends. Anyway, she called me and asked if I'd pick her up a pack of Camel Lights on my way sicne the traffic was horrendous at the time and there are a couple gas stations on the way. I agreed, and stoppeed off at the Circle K.
There was a large black man outside, but I paid him no mind. I get the smokes, and come out and the black man gets right in front me, about a foot from my face, and says, "Do you practice safe sex?"
The question itself caught me off-guard. Stunned me a bit, in fact. But I said yes.
He replied, "Well, let me give you a present," and gave me a big hug. One of those bear hugs that only truely large men are capable of giving.
A bit weirded-out, and not quite sure what to make of this encounter, I got back in my car. I sat on my wallet, and the first thought that crossed my mind was that I'd been pickpocketed. The man had walked away from the gas station, so it was highly possible. I checked my pockets and found nothing missing. As I pulled away, I reached into my inside jacket pocket for my own cigarette and found something besides my pack of Turkish Jades.
He'd left a single Trojan in that pocket.
There was a large black man outside, but I paid him no mind. I get the smokes, and come out and the black man gets right in front me, about a foot from my face, and says, "Do you practice safe sex?"
The question itself caught me off-guard. Stunned me a bit, in fact. But I said yes.
He replied, "Well, let me give you a present," and gave me a big hug. One of those bear hugs that only truely large men are capable of giving.
A bit weirded-out, and not quite sure what to make of this encounter, I got back in my car. I sat on my wallet, and the first thought that crossed my mind was that I'd been pickpocketed. The man had walked away from the gas station, so it was highly possible. I checked my pockets and found nothing missing. As I pulled away, I reached into my inside jacket pocket for my own cigarette and found something besides my pack of Turkish Jades.
He'd left a single Trojan in that pocket.
That's very...strange! Kind of nice, but surreal
. Oh, and hi