Monday Nov 03, 2003 Nov 3, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email how cool is Melbourne? public holiday for a fucking horse race, you gotta love that. throatneedle: Fuck yeah the Giants one! 31-28 in OT! Probably the best NFL game of the season! Conway kicked the field goal with :10 seconds left! Fucking that Keano goal v. Portsmouth! Nov 3, 2003 sakita: heheh cool we have a day where jesus rides to heaven in an elevator no really i dunno but thats what i call it and no one i know here is religious! Nov 4, 2003
Probably the best NFL game of the season!
Conway kicked the field goal with :10 seconds left!
Fucking that Keano goal v. Portsmouth!
we have a day where jesus rides to heaven in an elevator
no really i dunno but thats what i call it
and no one i know here is religious!