My interview with UPS went really well. It went on for about an hour and a half, and got to a point where we were just talking about random geek stuff. Last night my supervisor came up to me and informed me that they were really impressed about my thorough knowledge of various programming languages, and said that they are offering me a full time position as a web developer.
My jaw almost hit the floor when he said what they are going to offer, so it looks like I'll probably be quitting CompUSA but I'm still cont 100% on that.
With that being said, MonkeyTail, Maddy and everyone else who goes out on Friday night's count me in. As of the 20th of this month I will no longer be working nights as a box thrower.

With that being said, MonkeyTail, Maddy and everyone else who goes out on Friday night's count me in. As of the 20th of this month I will no longer be working nights as a box thrower.

Thats cool that you will have Friday night off now.