Well it seems that for the next two months my social life will be that of a lonely hobbit. This week I started summer school and I will have my hands full with reading, reports, group projects, and programs. It's ok though, after I finish school this summer UPS will be picking up the entire bill from there on out. Since UofL decided to raise tuition UPS is going to be my new best friend after the summer. I got my bill for this summber and its $1890.00 for 9 credit hours. WTF
Last weekend Maddy, a few of her friends and I went to the MSI show a Bogards. It was my second time seeing them live. They really know how to put on a show. Along with them was the Super 8-Bit Brothers and some System Of A Down rip off. The Super 8-Bit Brothers were hilarious. They would be good to team up with Miniboss and tour.
Besides school everything seems to be going well, except for the fact that Im probably the only one who cant go to Poison's pool party

Last weekend Maddy, a few of her friends and I went to the MSI show a Bogards. It was my second time seeing them live. They really know how to put on a show. Along with them was the Super 8-Bit Brothers and some System Of A Down rip off. The Super 8-Bit Brothers were hilarious. They would be good to team up with Miniboss and tour.
Besides school everything seems to be going well, except for the fact that Im probably the only one who cant go to Poison's pool party

Yeah, there's passes to see Batman Begins at Tinstletown tomorrow out there, somewhere.
It was a dame good time, the most fun I have had in a long time.