My mom had a chance to meat Lindsay today up at Old Chicagos, which I though went well. She thinks that Lindsay is adorable and a really good person. I honestly didnt know who was excited more to meat the other.
This weekend should be fun and interesting for Im going to church with Lindsays family for Easter service. Thats probably what Im most stressed... Read More
Well the past week has been nothing but good for me.
I meat a girl named Lindsay and she is great. She reminds me a little of Phoebe Buffay from Friends. She has the most warm smile and she is always the most happy person I've ever meat. There is only one little problem she is 17. Now I know what you may be thinking,... Read More
I just finished pulling an all nighter to complete a 112 page paper for my CIS320 class, and it's time to go back to work. What do I have waiting for me at work? I've got a 4 hour long meeting; from 8:30 - 12:30. There is a good chance that I'll fall asleep but I hope not. Maybe they will think I'm... Read More
Life right now is good, it's not great, but it's good.
School started two weeks ago. I started off taking 4 classes along with my co-op (big mistake), but now I'm only taking one. The class that I'm taking is one of my core classes for my major. The class is broken up into 4 groups of 4 and we are contracted out by a... Read More
Ok... so this is me being really weird... There is a guy in one of your pictures from Maddy's party and in that picture is a guy I went to high school with, or at least I think it's him. His name is Daniel (I can't remember the last name right now) but I think that's him in Pic #10 with the black hair and the glasses) Do you know him?
And if that's you... you look a hell of a lot like him...
Tonight was a good night, at MSL.
A few girls of Grotesque Burlesque were there after they finished go-go-dancing for the Red Cheetah, and they were looking mighty fine. It tooke me a second to realize that one of the "girls" was actually Kent. I mean, yea I know he dresses up but he looked totally different. Apparently he go-go-danced as well at the Red... Read More
Last night's get together at Jared's was a lot of fun, with really good people. I ended up just walking over to his place since it was only 4 blocks away and I was planning on drinking. The only bad thing was the fact that I have to be at work by 8:45am, and I didnt get out of there until 2:30am, but it was... Read More
Tonight I skipped out on going th MSL to go to 4th Street Live. It was'nt bad, but it wasnt good, it was just bbllllaaa.
Youve always heard "its not what you know, but who you know" and tonight was a really good example of that quote. At the Red Cheata I spotted a friend... Read More
hey darlin'...thx for posting! i've never been to 4th street live, or the red cheata...been to Trixies though, i liked it there (but hey, naked girls...what's not to like).