Today I get to gather all my camera stuff into a workable/carryable all day long package. I really need to get one of the set ups with the big lens carriers on my belt.
Tomorrow I am going to be i the pits for the day at the Natiowide race at California Speedway/AAA Speedway whatever it is now. Friend of a friend kind of deal, but I am going to shoot a lot. One odd thing will be me carrying my old Elan II body with HP5 in it and my 50mm 1.4 glued to it. woo. The 50D and 7D will be the rest of the shots (need to get a 10-22 or something for the 7D some day... SOME day) Figure I will "just" bring the 70-200, 400,17-40, 50mm. no 24-70, dunno about the 1.4x tc. No 5D (its been acting up), 50D and 7D. Should get another battery for the 7D (I have 3 and a battery grip, the math doesn't work out well on that haha).
Shot a roll of Portra VC yesterday and today with the Elan ad my 24-70, Curious how that will come out. Probably will get that in for processing today. Probably won't get it back till Monday afternoon though. I like film because I feel like a tard doing any editing to film images. SO its just how it is. Digital images I want to fuck with too much, I dunno why.
Had fun at the NHRA Museum last weekend. Still have editing on it to catch up on though.
Fun fun. Two fun weekends, now I just need to start making some money to have a few more.
Tomorrow I am going to be i the pits for the day at the Natiowide race at California Speedway/AAA Speedway whatever it is now. Friend of a friend kind of deal, but I am going to shoot a lot. One odd thing will be me carrying my old Elan II body with HP5 in it and my 50mm 1.4 glued to it. woo. The 50D and 7D will be the rest of the shots (need to get a 10-22 or something for the 7D some day... SOME day) Figure I will "just" bring the 70-200, 400,17-40, 50mm. no 24-70, dunno about the 1.4x tc. No 5D (its been acting up), 50D and 7D. Should get another battery for the 7D (I have 3 and a battery grip, the math doesn't work out well on that haha).
Shot a roll of Portra VC yesterday and today with the Elan ad my 24-70, Curious how that will come out. Probably will get that in for processing today. Probably won't get it back till Monday afternoon though. I like film because I feel like a tard doing any editing to film images. SO its just how it is. Digital images I want to fuck with too much, I dunno why.
Had fun at the NHRA Museum last weekend. Still have editing on it to catch up on though.
Fun fun. Two fun weekends, now I just need to start making some money to have a few more.