This week I have felt very stuck. But I think that might be a good thing as things have been moving forward very well before that. I am still being a spazz and probably not working on what I should be working on though. My main thing I need to do is figure out how to get in the loop in the whole world of...
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I have had several models tell me they are really comfortable shooting with me. A silly thing, but its nice to hear! Sometimes I feel like I am doing my photography in a vacuum, not getting feedback much. I guess I need to search it out! Me and the networking thing, not good at it. But from the shoot yesterday I am setting up a...
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I really really love my 5D III. I have done motorsports stuff, and one group of head shots. Tomorrow I am doing some studio work, and I am sure I will contine to be happy with it. The color and the autofocus just blow everything else I owned away. It also made me finally do micro adjustments with my 7D. My 7D needed a lot...
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haah the other day one friend send me that link, i love all those photos. they rock!
I need to start bothering photographers to assist them or something. And not tell them how old I am. lol

Well, mostly I just need to do SOMETHING. I need to be around other creative people. People to sit and talk about creative shit with. People with different ideas. Sitting in my own little comfy bubble is really ot good for being creative. And the...
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I wish I had gone to this school. So awesome.

School layout looks like...
My living spaces are covered in photography paraphernalia. I need to figure out a much better system for storing all my shit.Right now my wacom tablet is covered in flashes and cheap chinese wireless triggers. Some day I'll have fancy triggers... SOME DAY!!!....11!!12

Welp, mind went blank, guess that means its time to stop being at my computer for the day.
You could always look up photography storing equipment or organizers. I'm sure you could get ideas from offline. I'm currently rearranging my craft room so sorting is on my mind. Good luck.
All the talk of the 50mm 1.4 in the photography group, i htink i will take that with my 5D and nothing else out tomorrow. I do need to get a wider lens, dunno if I will get a canon or a sigma.
Have fun.
This guy is fucking funny.

I am going to set a goal. I am going to assist a photographer. Sounds like a simple goal, but I know exactly 0 photographers I my area that would want an assistant. So this will require me to do the thing I am absolutely the worst at, meeting new people and networking. I guess one thing I can do is email some photographers I...
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i have this total mental block kind of thing that seems to keep me from doing, well, anything. Come up with an idea, spend 30 minutes figuring out why I shouldn't do it, rinse, repeat.

Add in total madhouse levels ADD, and I end up sitting front of my laptop typing this.

I guess it is all based around fear. Fear of rejection, fear of...
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Today I get to gather all my camera stuff into a workable/carryable all day long package. I really need to get one of the set ups with the big lens carriers on my belt.

Tomorrow I am going to be i the pits for the day at the Natiowide race at California Speedway/AAA Speedway whatever it is now. Friend of a friend kind of deal,...
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