Well there was no 3 day weekend for me. Friday my boss asked if I would want to work overtime on Saturday, and me being in need of extra cash agreed. A bunch of people worked a full day Saturday to deal with everything that was affected by the hurricane Katrina.
Tonight I saw a movie that I've wanted to see for a while. I watched Ong-Bak The Thai Warrior. I wanted to see it when it was in the theaters, but I missed it.. Luckily my roommate bought the dvd when it came out on Tuesday. It was a great film, and afterwards I found myself on the computer looking for schools in Chicago that taught Muy Thai. I've always liked kung fu/martial arts movies and have always had an interest in taking some classes. I might try it when I save up a little money. I think it would be a great way to get back into shape. Working in an office for a year, after being transferred from a more physical job, kinda messed me up a little. Mainly since I didn't do anything to compensate for the change in physical activity at work. So I'm gonna start to exercise more and try to get into some kind of martial arts program soon. I've got about 10-15 pounds I'd like to get rid of or change to muscle.
Ok now I want to get peoples opinion on something. I need a hair cut , and I planned on doing it tomorrow. I kinda want to give myself a mohawk again like in my profile pic. I just need to make sure its not too noticeable when its not spiked up. I would catch hell for it at work unfortunately. My other options are to shave it, about 1/4-3/8" long, which is how I've been cutting it for the past few months. I could also just trim it around the sides and back and let the top grow out a little. My hair is probably about 3/4-1" long right now. I'm having trouble deciding right now. Damn my indecisiveness!!!
Tonight I saw a movie that I've wanted to see for a while. I watched Ong-Bak The Thai Warrior. I wanted to see it when it was in the theaters, but I missed it.. Luckily my roommate bought the dvd when it came out on Tuesday. It was a great film, and afterwards I found myself on the computer looking for schools in Chicago that taught Muy Thai. I've always liked kung fu/martial arts movies and have always had an interest in taking some classes. I might try it when I save up a little money. I think it would be a great way to get back into shape. Working in an office for a year, after being transferred from a more physical job, kinda messed me up a little. Mainly since I didn't do anything to compensate for the change in physical activity at work. So I'm gonna start to exercise more and try to get into some kind of martial arts program soon. I've got about 10-15 pounds I'd like to get rid of or change to muscle.
Ok now I want to get peoples opinion on something. I need a hair cut , and I planned on doing it tomorrow. I kinda want to give myself a mohawk again like in my profile pic. I just need to make sure its not too noticeable when its not spiked up. I would catch hell for it at work unfortunately. My other options are to shave it, about 1/4-3/8" long, which is how I've been cutting it for the past few months. I could also just trim it around the sides and back and let the top grow out a little. My hair is probably about 3/4-1" long right now. I'm having trouble deciding right now. Damn my indecisiveness!!!

Yeah. Insane weekend. I'm dead now.