OMG I got sick...but it was worth it..
I got to meet members Piskypixie and Phrogg today for I'd guess 4 hours or so and It was cool to hang out and I adored them both so very much..Pisky is a nice laid back gal with great taste and Phorgg is a hip guy who is alot of fun to talk with.Edwoodv2 and I had fun needless to say.. given my health issues we don't get to do much like real people anymore so that was soooooooo nice and made me feel sorta human again.. even though I managed to get really sick after it all.. I knew it was coming at the subway so we sorta left in a bigger hurry then I would have liked... But I barely made it home so I guess it was for the best that we had to run like we did..But all in all sickness included it was worth it to hang out for a bit with some cool people.. I have video.....
and Edwoodv2 has pics in his blog of us.. plus I'm gonna send Phrogg some more pics so you guys can feel the
Ok so I'm not back to well yet so I guess I'll stop here till I feel better....Enjoy the video of our silly selves.
Smooches and then some
I got to meet members Piskypixie and Phrogg today for I'd guess 4 hours or so and It was cool to hang out and I adored them both so very much..Pisky is a nice laid back gal with great taste and Phorgg is a hip guy who is alot of fun to talk with.Edwoodv2 and I had fun needless to say.. given my health issues we don't get to do much like real people anymore so that was soooooooo nice and made me feel sorta human again.. even though I managed to get really sick after it all.. I knew it was coming at the subway so we sorta left in a bigger hurry then I would have liked... But I barely made it home so I guess it was for the best that we had to run like we did..But all in all sickness included it was worth it to hang out for a bit with some cool people.. I have video.....
and Edwoodv2 has pics in his blog of us.. plus I'm gonna send Phrogg some more pics so you guys can feel the
Ok so I'm not back to well yet so I guess I'll stop here till I feel better....Enjoy the video of our silly selves.
Smooches and then some

In the meantime, I guess, just get plenty of fluids and rest, and take good care of yourself!