Just my luck!
So my set went live and I was so happy and excited. But sleep called.. I woke up the next morning sick as a dog and have felt shitty ever since..On an off feeling better for an hour or so here and there. I have to say now that I feel like having my surgery has been one of the worse things I've ever done..But I was sick and didn't feel I had a choice.. I was told once I had my gallbladder taken out that I would be much much better.
I'm NOT!
Turns out only 60% of people who have it done get to feeling better.. That's 40% freakin percent.. I think that no calls for some information from doctors before they cut you up.. nevermind the hernia they gave me during surgery that they kept quite untill 2 weeks later in follow up. But I wasn't told anything.. other then oh well you'll feel much better and may have a few probs with your bowel function at first while your body gets used to not having the gallbladder.But not info about anything else and there is a lot that I have had to learn on my own.. Important stuff. So at follow up I told them I was having big bad problems with nausea and so they get me an apt with another doc for Sept 5th.. I still have a month to wait to see a doc.. Meanwhile I am taking dangerious pills for nausea that are not to be used for the longterm due to the nerve problems they cause..
I can't go without them or I get really really ill.. I even had to up them to 3 a day a few days back cause even with them I'm having problems..
Things I can no longer eat that makes me angry:
Any Dairy Product
Corn or Corn Products
Baked Goods Cookies,Pies or Cakes
Anything with a Fat count over 10g
Anything Breaded/Fried(and living in the south..lol)
Any Alky.. No Wine even..
So That's the list thus far of no can do's.. You think the Doc's may have been nice enough to clue me in on some of that but no....I had to find out trial and error and thru the net where others who weren't told this stuff go and bitch..lol
I also have a crap load of other problems that are making this all worse.. My overies are well lil demons and I have 3 teeth in the back that are driving me nuts..So as I started.. Just my luck!
I have had to retire from my job as a semi pro wrestler and have not worked in almost 6 months due to this crap. I want to get a part time job so I can afford to go to a good doc and get this taken care of but have been to sick to do so.. So no cash to get a doc to help me get better so here I sit sick for another month till I can go to the crap doc the state signned me to and hope he dosen't try and send me to a specalist that I can't pay for.
But on a plus note I now have a place to shoot my next set and so I'm praying I'll be well enough to shoot is soon.. if so that might get me some money for the doc
So I'm hoping alot for this next set and the shoot as well as the next video I want to do..One that I hope you will all love.. It'll be well as sexy as I feel up to
I know it's very frustrating to all you guys that have been hoping for me thru all this to see me not feeling any better.. but know that I am trying very hard and that your well wishes have meant alot to me and the gifts I have gotten have really cheered me up..Stick with me you guys.. I know there has to be an end in sight to all this feeling like shit..least I have alot of hope that there is and will be.. I will do my best to keep you all updated on all the Good and Bad crap..
Ok well i guess that's all the bitchin i can do right now
But I'll be back again with something better I'm sure..
later lovies
So my set went live and I was so happy and excited. But sleep called.. I woke up the next morning sick as a dog and have felt shitty ever since..On an off feeling better for an hour or so here and there. I have to say now that I feel like having my surgery has been one of the worse things I've ever done..But I was sick and didn't feel I had a choice.. I was told once I had my gallbladder taken out that I would be much much better.
I'm NOT!
Turns out only 60% of people who have it done get to feeling better.. That's 40% freakin percent.. I think that no calls for some information from doctors before they cut you up.. nevermind the hernia they gave me during surgery that they kept quite untill 2 weeks later in follow up. But I wasn't told anything.. other then oh well you'll feel much better and may have a few probs with your bowel function at first while your body gets used to not having the gallbladder.But not info about anything else and there is a lot that I have had to learn on my own.. Important stuff. So at follow up I told them I was having big bad problems with nausea and so they get me an apt with another doc for Sept 5th.. I still have a month to wait to see a doc.. Meanwhile I am taking dangerious pills for nausea that are not to be used for the longterm due to the nerve problems they cause..
I can't go without them or I get really really ill.. I even had to up them to 3 a day a few days back cause even with them I'm having problems..
Things I can no longer eat that makes me angry:
Any Dairy Product
Corn or Corn Products
Baked Goods Cookies,Pies or Cakes
Anything with a Fat count over 10g
Anything Breaded/Fried(and living in the south..lol)
Any Alky.. No Wine even..
So That's the list thus far of no can do's.. You think the Doc's may have been nice enough to clue me in on some of that but no....I had to find out trial and error and thru the net where others who weren't told this stuff go and bitch..lol
I also have a crap load of other problems that are making this all worse.. My overies are well lil demons and I have 3 teeth in the back that are driving me nuts..So as I started.. Just my luck!
I have had to retire from my job as a semi pro wrestler and have not worked in almost 6 months due to this crap. I want to get a part time job so I can afford to go to a good doc and get this taken care of but have been to sick to do so.. So no cash to get a doc to help me get better so here I sit sick for another month till I can go to the crap doc the state signned me to and hope he dosen't try and send me to a specalist that I can't pay for.
But on a plus note I now have a place to shoot my next set and so I'm praying I'll be well enough to shoot is soon.. if so that might get me some money for the doc

I know it's very frustrating to all you guys that have been hoping for me thru all this to see me not feeling any better.. but know that I am trying very hard and that your well wishes have meant alot to me and the gifts I have gotten have really cheered me up..Stick with me you guys.. I know there has to be an end in sight to all this feeling like shit..least I have alot of hope that there is and will be.. I will do my best to keep you all updated on all the Good and Bad crap..
Ok well i guess that's all the bitchin i can do right now

But I'll be back again with something better I'm sure..
later lovies
Take care !
But new set or not, I just want you to feel good again