Today was fun and just a lil busy..I did a video for my babe Beaky..Hope it cheers him up.
I'm getting ready to watch The First SG tour DVD.. I've had and watched Villa since before I even became an SG but they stopped selling the first DVD in stores here so it's about time I got it..I'm looking forward to watching it.
I did a small set of pics last night for the hell of it..I'm getting back to my old self again so I figured take a few pics to show I'm doing better..That and I'm doing alot of lighting tests for the futire.. I have alot of things in mind..
Got to shout out some thanks to the guys that kept me entertained last night.. I needed that thanks guys...
Ok so here are a few of the pics that got shot last night..
I'm getting ready to watch The First SG tour DVD.. I've had and watched Villa since before I even became an SG but they stopped selling the first DVD in stores here so it's about time I got it..I'm looking forward to watching it.
I did a small set of pics last night for the hell of it..I'm getting back to my old self again so I figured take a few pics to show I'm doing better..That and I'm doing alot of lighting tests for the futire.. I have alot of things in mind..
Got to shout out some thanks to the guys that kept me entertained last night.. I needed that thanks guys...
Ok so here are a few of the pics that got shot last night..
So i go to the doc tomorrow and get to talk about what to expect from here and ask why it is I'm still having pain and nausea.But things have gotten much better over the last few days so yay for that..
Ok well gotta upload a video and post a thing or two at the boards so I'll stop here till another day.
later lovies
redrobin13: look gorgeous. Hope you start feeling better soon 

You were post number 13 on my blog...and that's my favorite number so i send you happy wishes and tonnes of luck