Hello darlings!! I hope you are all well and safe !! how are your quarantine?
today's blog is about some films that I've been reviewing and watching too! I hope you enjoy ❤🍀
I would like to start with a much talked about film lately, a film released by netflix, the Platform.
This is something you should ask society. It's up to us ... it depends on whether we want to continue to be the most miserable species that ever set foot on the planet or not. in the film the main character tries to show the others that if each one consumes only what is needed, no one there would go hungry, it is a matter of emaptia. the world would be very divergent if we acted like that, I know that many do, but if everyone did that, it would be a big difference for the world ... it is an issue that I believe should be considered. what do you think ?
the platform, reminds me of a Brazilian short film called '' the island of flowers '' ilha das flores
where it addresses exactly this issue of inequality, but makes a comparison of the poorest, being inferior to the pigs, because the pigs still had an owner, some impotence, different from that class that would be below, because they did not have anyone looking at them, as for example, homeless people, who literally live on crumbs and other remains that are on top.
Although the film seems to end out of nowhere, without knowing whether the revolution worked or not, this is also a lesson to be learned: we do not always reap the rewards of our efforts...
man, since his origin, has interfered in the physical, chemical and biological processes of nature, because, like any other living being, he seeks ways to survive, exploring natural resources and when using them, produces waste that is discarded in nature, and not to mention the exaggerated consumption of these resources that one day can bring about the depletion of it. what Mário H. Simonsen meant in his sentence (“Everything indicates that Future Generations will have the right to criticize us severely if we sacrifice Per capita Income Growth for other Priorities” (Mário H. Simonsen- Economist-1972) Mário H Simonsen- Economist-1972), was that we are responsible for the world that we will leave for the next, and yes, future generations would have the right to criticize us, because in a short time on earth the human being has been causing his destruction itself. Like most scientists studying the evolution of species and the origin of life, it estimates (from evidence of fossils) that the formation of the earth occurred about 4.5 billion years ago, and a billion years later, the necessary conditions for the flourishing of life arose. taking into account the time it took for the planet to adapt, and slowly, create ideal conditions for the development of life over 3.5 billion years ago, it can be said that this species (homo sapiens) is still very recent...
anyway ...
Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai
An unusual name for animation and analyzing from a first glance to half-meaningless. ''Let Me Eat Your Pancreas'' The story begins when Haruki finds a book in a waiting room at the hospital with the title: ‘’ Living with death ’’. Soon after he finds out that this book belongs to a classmate and decides to talk to her. the only person with whom she shared the secret of the disease was with him. A little weird, since she and Haruki weren't that close. Not to mention that they both had very different personalities. While Sakura was cheerful and outgoing, Haruki was a quiet and introverted person who lived in the world of books. Maybe the character wanted to live her final days with a little bit of normalcy and share her illness with someone other than her family, so she ended up telling Haruki, since if it was for her close friends, they would treat her with pity. and that would totally transform your daily life. So talking to a strange environment would be a viable option, since he would not have ties to her and would accept the situation more naturally. (which is very understandable)
The name of the animation consists of a superstition. Sakura had read that if she ate a healthy person's organ, the sick organ in question would be healed. In the film she sends a message to Haruki written: ‘’ I want to eat your pancreas ’’. At first, he doesn't understand. But throughout the story everything is explained and Haruki understands why. Sakura wanted her illness to be cured and so she sent the message that is the name of the animation. Perhaps because her death was inevitable and eating someone else's pancreas would never cure her illness, she chose to live her last days as happily as possible.
Suspiria Dance of Death
a completely strong and visually beautiful film, in terms of actors, and a color palette, is very good! The plan there is simple: the witches are running out of time as Helena Markos (also played by Swinton, who has three roles - and in one scene plays all at the same time) is dying. Markos is the leader of the clan, and all the other witches gravitate towards his orders. An election is made to choose who will be the "light" they will all serve, and Blanc loses to Markos, who chooses Susie to be his new body. But the ritual of transposing bodies demands several details, and the main one is: the hostess must accept being possessed by the witch. Blanc knows that this will never happen to Susie.
The performance that all the girls rehearse is nothing more than part of the wizarding ritual for Markos to have Susie's body, strategically placed at the center of the insane choreography. In it, the protagonist unlocks the power that has been dwelling within her forever: as a child, she was fissured by Berlin, and always wanted to go to Tanzania. Through choreography, inspired by witchcraft rituals, the witches thought they were molding Susie into Markos' clutches, but in reality, they unleash the powers of the girl, who reveals herself as the Mother Suspiriorum. She, like Nina in "Black Swan", obliterates her personality to embrace the animalistic and libidinous side, the feminine fury that exists within her being - genially symbolized by the scene in which Susie tears her own breast, suggestively shaped like a vagina.
The story in "Suspiria" does not take place today, but in 1977 - interestingly, the year of the original's release -, taking up the historical context of post-war Germany, more precisely the events of the German Autumn.
Susie's arrival represents the revolution, the end of the country's leadership crisis. As in Germany, Tanz, and its unique reality, is drowning in disorder and abuse of power. Instead of strengthening the clan and teaching witchcraft to the students, Markos, a corrupt leader, uses the girls for his own benefit, sucking their vitality to remain immortal. Susie, almost a messiah, arrives to impose the order. Although it sounds cruel, Mother Suspiriorum is not an evil entity, it is just fair - sparing all that went against Markos...
Pom Poko - Heisei Tanuki Gassen Ponpoko
This is the return of Studio Ghibli's golden duo: Isao Takahata and Toshio Suzuki. Through the plot I could feel a greater influence of Takahata a lot due to the theme of countryside versus city that had already been explored before by him. Pom Poko is a story that moves a lot with the notions of traditional Japan and modern Japan, so it is one of the anime that had the highest grossing in the domestic market. Pom Poko was the studio's first animation to be nominated for an Oscar for best foreign animation. It was already a prediction of what was to come in the coming years.
Before talking about the animation itself, I would like to comment a little on the Tanukis and Kitsunes, two animals that are part of a large number of Japanese legends. Tanukis are animals that belong to the dog family and are a mixture of raccoons and dogs. Some experts in Japanese folklore identify it with the Japanese badger.
The tanuki is a playful animal that makes use of its special abilities to gain advantages over humans. Its main mystical ability is to transform itself into anything. This skill he shares with kitsunes.
In Japanese legends the tanuki is very fond of sake (a traditional alcoholic drink in Japan and very strong). His disguises are often thwarted by his addiction to sake. Kitsune is a mystical fox capable of transforming itself into a man, a sage or a beautiful woman. They are malevolent and greedy animals that tend to frequent men's dreams. There are some good kitsunes (the foxes of Inari) usually associated with wise people.
Miyazaki's imagination is frightening. He manages to transform a film about talking badgers into something very profound. Forget the notion that they are talking badgers and analyze the message passed in history. Again the notion of countryside and city is explored but in a sense of tradition versus modernity. The animation itself shows this: in the beginning we see a lot of green, rivers, hills. In the end, we were unable to find the Tanukis' home (except for the temple that resists until the end).
Each of them has its individuality and its unique characteristic. Sometimes in the same scene we have ten or fifteen tanukis transforming into different elements. At the time of their trip to the city, the richness of elements of composition of the scenery is immense.
Pom Poko is a strong critic against the destruction of green areas for the construction of shopping malls and residential centers. Let us not forget that Japan is 90% urbanized and only a few preserved green regions remain. Much of the traditional Japanese fauna is at risk of extinction. The final scenes of the animation are very sad and show what it was and what it has become. Takahata's prose combined with Suzuki's beautiful animations set the tone for this contradiction. At no time did humans stop to assess the environmental impact of what they were doing. The destruction was inexorable and it was the Tanukis who had to adapt to the new status... many say that you can't learn a lot by watching animes, I say the opposite, always, the drawings are full of lessons of humanity that we lack ... always the man taking all the space for yes, once again disrespecting the balance of things ... and we already know where this will take us.