It figures...
The team that was autodrafted for me in the Yahoo Winners League isn't that great, in my opinion. I think a top 3 finish is reaching for the stars this year.
It's sad, cos my other auto-draft teams seem much better. Hopefully I'll win a league again this year.
The px has ESPN Football 2k5....it's only 19.99. Debating getting it while waiting for...
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Wee, what a day.
Stuff came, still in the boxes I packed it in when I left it in my moms basement all those months ago. Most of it arrived more or less in the same condition I left it. Some of my books and anime boxes suffered incidental damage, and I could have sworn I had a ps1 memory card somewhere in there, but...
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Ok, time to at least start thinking about going to bed. I usually go to sleep around 1am days I have to work the next day (I usually wake up around 5:20 to get ready for pt starting at 6), and it's about 20 after 12 now....
Not a bad day. I signed up for and selected my auto-draft preferences for 4 yahoo fantasy football...
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Well silly why dont you add me to your list? Also what I dont get is that you see me on yahoo all the time but you dont say hello..you confuze me confused
rock on, here's the info for SG Fantasy Football 3 on Yahoo! Sports:

League ID: 229010
Password: sgffecon

The artist formerly know as Vykos, back after a haitus.
All hail A.C.R.O.S.S!
Hail Il Palazzo!