god money i'll do anything for you
god money just tell me what you want me to
god money nail me up against the wall
god money don't want everything he wants it all

no you can't take it
no you can't take it
no you can't take that away from me
head like a hole
black as your soul
i'd rather die than give...
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Shell, Witch Hunter Robin

It's like I'll disappear as soon as I close my eyes
I feel like I've turned into someone that even I don't
Sadly, I've become so small
I want to be rescued, but instead of sighing
I vomited up my loneliness, and just lay there,
measuring it all up

Amidst this drop of time gone dry
My heart is drowning...
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Half Pain, the end credits song from Witch Hunter Robin,
(full version)

How far back should I have to go? Tell me.
Everything is so painfully vivid.

The truth is, we couldn't understand each other,
So I left and didn't look back

Fall into a light sleep, it encompasses my very being
I never carry out my promises
So long ago, I threw away my...
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I believe I can see the future
Because I repeat the same routine
I think I used to have a purpose
And then again that might have been a dream
I think I used to have a voice
Now I never make a sound
I just do what I've been told
I really don't want them to come around, oh no

Every day is exactly...
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I heart Trent Reznor.

edited to say that of course you can comment on my journal anytime you want hun. I love gettng comments no matter who they are from, just as long as you aren't mean to me. hehe. Have a nice day.

[Edited on Jul 20, 2005 9:23PM]
lyrics are fun...

I love posting pics so that was the easy part. hehe. Thanks I hope it goes ok. kiss bye for now.
thank you for voting for me! biggrin kiss
Man, I still can't believe it.

The Red Sox are going to the world series, after going down the most difficult path possible in the ALCS to do so.

I was 7 in 1986.

I'm more of a Patriots fan, but this is huge, in a different way.

Just thinking about it is euphoric.

Go Sox!
yay go sox I hope they win..how are you!
They only have 2 more games to go. Can they do it?
Well, another 4 day weekend is over.

Yesterday and today I took a chair I borrowed from the roomie and went out behind the barracks and read out in the sun, after going and getting a Mocha Frappuchino...good stuff. It made me miss home something bad, though...cos it reminded me of the cemetery across the street from my High School (in turn like 5 minutes...
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If you start a webcomic group here, I'd join. Which webcomics do you read? Any at Keenspot?

I'm not surprised they shot down the idea of a webcomic group. But a list would be greatly appreciated. Thank you smile

I agree with you in your case, the desk job is alot more desirable. Although you are not too far away from someone, who for some reason, is not a big fan of the U.S.
Been a while.
I don't think I'm the type that is meant to keep a regular journal, I never seem to maintain a regular schedule of updating.
I have no idea what the theme of Lotte world is supposed to be, but it wasn't by cuppa, I spose. The incident most emblamatic of that day was waiting for most of the rest of the...
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I hear the flu is going around... the first sign is supposed to be a headache. Is there a brain tumor episode from Seinfeld?
"it's not a toomah.."

Sorry, it slipped out. I get dull headaches alot, but 2 aspirin and a night's sleep usually cures it. At least you had the balls to go on one of those rides. I never could, I hate heights and fast rides. I'd rather throw darts at girly posters instead.
My latest manga order came in today ^_^
Finally watched 13 going on 30 earlier.
Was good.
Going to this indoor amusement park place called Lotte World tomorrow with most of the people I work with. I went there the last time I was here, and I think I had fun.
Will be bringing my camera.
Hope you had fun! So what exactly do you do for the Army?
Hopefully not into one of those years.
After trying on and off, Chapter 2 of Ninja Gaiden was vanquished. Not before lots of taking the Lords name in vain occured, however. I'm now discovering the new pain in the ass enemies Chapter 3 has to offer.
Ah well, I like challenges.
I thought about going to see Catwoman last night (it was free) but when the time came to walk down to...
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I kinda liked the move..Im a avid fan of aliens and preditor so I was happy.