Well, another 4 day weekend is over.
Yesterday and today I took a chair I borrowed from the roomie and went out behind the barracks and read out in the sun, after going and getting a Mocha Frappuchino...good stuff. It made me miss home something bad, though...cos it reminded me of the cemetery across the street from my High School (in turn like 5 minutes from my house) and read during the summer and into the fall....only then with a nice Tank of Bess Eaton French Vanilla with extra cream and sugar. (A Tank is a big 32 oz Ice Coffee...mmmmmm) Ah, well.
I was reading Kare Kano 5 and Dark Ages: Malkavian. I finished DA: M today, and read about half of KK 5 yesterday.
Listening to the Phantom Brave soundtrack and planning on a good amount of webcomic reading now. I'd play Disgaea some more but I've played it enough already. I wonder if I could make a webcomic group here on SG?
Ans is it just me and my anti-social ways or is any one else get irritated when a roomie has friends over? It's not that they do anything they shouldn't, I just don't like people being in my room, friends of the roomie or not.
Yes, I realize he has the right to have people over. I just don't care.
Yesterday and today I took a chair I borrowed from the roomie and went out behind the barracks and read out in the sun, after going and getting a Mocha Frappuchino...good stuff. It made me miss home something bad, though...cos it reminded me of the cemetery across the street from my High School (in turn like 5 minutes from my house) and read during the summer and into the fall....only then with a nice Tank of Bess Eaton French Vanilla with extra cream and sugar. (A Tank is a big 32 oz Ice Coffee...mmmmmm) Ah, well.
I was reading Kare Kano 5 and Dark Ages: Malkavian. I finished DA: M today, and read about half of KK 5 yesterday.
Listening to the Phantom Brave soundtrack and planning on a good amount of webcomic reading now. I'd play Disgaea some more but I've played it enough already. I wonder if I could make a webcomic group here on SG?
Ans is it just me and my anti-social ways or is any one else get irritated when a roomie has friends over? It's not that they do anything they shouldn't, I just don't like people being in my room, friends of the roomie or not.
Yes, I realize he has the right to have people over. I just don't care.
I agree with you in your case, the desk job is alot more desirable. Although you are not too far away from someone, who for some reason, is not a big fan of the U.S.