the verdict on me posting my manuscript:
2 Hell yeah's and 4 indifferents/ no/ not paying attentions. Given that 2 of the people that posted have already seen it, its more like 2:2 so that means. maybe, maybe not.
I joined SG based on the knowledge that Nala was here. After I joined i was disappointed to find that she wasnt. The other reason I joined was because of Brandy and now shes gone too. So I guess that leaves me with no choice but.... Nah, just kidding. At least right now I am.
I haven't written a poem in a while so be kind:
I dont just want to get rid of you
my love for you is unconditional
yours for me is just a ritual
my feelings bordered spiritual
for you its just habitual
now its anger that I spit at you
our relationship is so pitiful
why was I ever into you
as if you were indispensable
oh, I remember , it was physical
Im tired of being sensible
Its not your words its the principal
All I get from you is ridicule
you treat me like Im miniscule
while I put you up on a pedestal
Sorry if I offended you
Im also sorry I was a friend to you
but my heart is still mendable
and your efforts were commendable
but so unoriginal
do I look like a kid to you
youre heart turned digital
frozen solid and crystal
my words are like a pistol
and on purpose I missed you
cause god damn it, I miss you
but heres the real issue
Karma has a list too
and its guaranteed to hit you
take your wings and clip you
Ill never forget you
and I guess Ill never get you...
you fucking bitch you!
Funny thing is, that poem is about no one in particular. Well, my best friend and I did have a bit of a argument and we haven't talked in a week so that probably planted the seed but it wasnt a friendship ending one. How could I stay mad at this face. (Shes having her wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow
.) Ive just been kind of down lately. Over nothing in particular. Im really not looking forward to going home Ive been working non stop for about a year now. No exaggeration. Id rather stay at home, sleep in and work on some of my many projects. Its not that I dont like my family its that I like my own stuff. To be able to do what I want when I want and not on someone else's time. Maybe Ill feel better when I get there. Im just kind of unhappy right now. While Im at home I probably wont be on the computer much and if I am Im not going to be logging into on my parents house. That would be a tad inappropriate. So this is bye for while.
2 Hell yeah's and 4 indifferents/ no/ not paying attentions. Given that 2 of the people that posted have already seen it, its more like 2:2 so that means. maybe, maybe not.
I joined SG based on the knowledge that Nala was here. After I joined i was disappointed to find that she wasnt. The other reason I joined was because of Brandy and now shes gone too. So I guess that leaves me with no choice but.... Nah, just kidding. At least right now I am.
I haven't written a poem in a while so be kind:
I dont just want to get rid of you
my love for you is unconditional
yours for me is just a ritual
my feelings bordered spiritual
for you its just habitual
now its anger that I spit at you
our relationship is so pitiful
why was I ever into you
as if you were indispensable
oh, I remember , it was physical
Im tired of being sensible
Its not your words its the principal
All I get from you is ridicule
you treat me like Im miniscule
while I put you up on a pedestal
Sorry if I offended you
Im also sorry I was a friend to you
but my heart is still mendable
and your efforts were commendable
but so unoriginal
do I look like a kid to you
youre heart turned digital
frozen solid and crystal
my words are like a pistol
and on purpose I missed you
cause god damn it, I miss you
but heres the real issue
Karma has a list too
and its guaranteed to hit you
take your wings and clip you
Ill never forget you
and I guess Ill never get you...
you fucking bitch you!
Funny thing is, that poem is about no one in particular. Well, my best friend and I did have a bit of a argument and we haven't talked in a week so that probably planted the seed but it wasnt a friendship ending one. How could I stay mad at this face. (Shes having her wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow

nala was amazing, wasent she? she was gone by the time I joined, but just looking at the pictures in the archive...