First Id like to welcome the lovely LyloniJade to my friends list. and also NiMiiPuu who was trying to act all shy at first. And look who gets to be next to BrookeLynne in his friends list? Hells yeah!
And now :
5 things I dont want you to know about me.
1.Scrabl Anyone?
Ive been a strait D student from Elementary all the way until college. One of the reasons for this is that Im a horribly speller. I, like most people, wasnt taught the correct way to read. I was taught to memorize that the letters C, A and T say cat in instead of learning what each of the letter say and sounding it out. Reading was always too much of a chore so I never did it. Im pretty sure thats why most people dont. As a junior in high school I took a class called Orthography which is a fancy way to say spelling class. I was told that as a junior I was reading and spelling at the level of an eighth grader so I had to take this class. After taking the class (which was as humiliating as you might imagine for a high schooler) I got better at reading and spelling but Im still really bad at it. To this day I get my ps and bs mixed up, even when Im typing. I think is rather ironic that I write now. To this day people think Im really smart because of the way carry myself. I dont know how i ended up this way.
2. Bite my lip and close my eyes. (Lets just say Im fucking lazy.)
Im not quite as sexual as I should be. At least I dont think I am. I was never a horn ball teenager like the ones in the movies. (Take your pick: Porkeys, Revenge of the nerds, Fast times at..., American Pie Trilogy) As a teenager I went out with girls and the thought never really crossed my mind. What? your dads not home? Youre going to take a shower? Ok, Ill be out here watching TV. (True story.) I think this is stemmed from the fact that I never felt anyone could want me in that way. In a sense I still feel that way but that's neither here nor there. It was this attitude that led me to loosing my virginity at the ripe old age of 19. The number of sexual partners Ive had since then can be counted on one hand. Sex still doesnt cross my mind very often. Want to know what I was thinking the last time I masturbated? I need to get the Godfather Trilogy on DVD.
3. Beauty in the breakdown
When I was 21 I had a nervous breakdown. This lead to me disappearing for a month. Spending a lot of the time on the floor crying. An eating disorder that still haunts me and other bad habits. Hint #1: What was the name of the lead character in the movie Secretary hint #2: It's like adrenaline. The Pain is such a sudden rush for me. All this happened before my most humbling moment. There are still people on this planet that think Im dead.
4. Lets lighten things up a bit.
Weird crushes: Miss Piggy. (When she used to karate chop guys and throw them against the wall. um... Yeah. ) Debra Jo Rupp. Butter cup (PowerPuff girl. The short haired one.) Almost all of my female bosses. The most interesting one was married, 15 years my senior... and pregnant. EVERYONE knew I had a crush on her. Her voice reminded me of Salma Hayek. A 7 months pregnant Salma Hayek. Speaking of voices, most people think that Rosie Perez's voice is annoying. I am not one of those people.
5. I have a confession to make:
Some of you may think Im from Texas and I moved out to California to pursue music. Well, Im actually from Philadelphia. I was outside one day playing basketball and a bunch of guys jumped me. My mom, fearing for my life, moved me out to California (Beverly Hills to be exact.) to live with my Uncle Mill. That is the reason why I am out here. There was a TV show based on my experiences growing up with my uncle Mill and his family. Maybe you've heard of it.
oh, and Istillwannahumpjill
Don't you?
And now :
5 things I dont want you to know about me.
1.Scrabl Anyone?
Ive been a strait D student from Elementary all the way until college. One of the reasons for this is that Im a horribly speller. I, like most people, wasnt taught the correct way to read. I was taught to memorize that the letters C, A and T say cat in instead of learning what each of the letter say and sounding it out. Reading was always too much of a chore so I never did it. Im pretty sure thats why most people dont. As a junior in high school I took a class called Orthography which is a fancy way to say spelling class. I was told that as a junior I was reading and spelling at the level of an eighth grader so I had to take this class. After taking the class (which was as humiliating as you might imagine for a high schooler) I got better at reading and spelling but Im still really bad at it. To this day I get my ps and bs mixed up, even when Im typing. I think is rather ironic that I write now. To this day people think Im really smart because of the way carry myself. I dont know how i ended up this way.
2. Bite my lip and close my eyes. (Lets just say Im fucking lazy.)
Im not quite as sexual as I should be. At least I dont think I am. I was never a horn ball teenager like the ones in the movies. (Take your pick: Porkeys, Revenge of the nerds, Fast times at..., American Pie Trilogy) As a teenager I went out with girls and the thought never really crossed my mind. What? your dads not home? Youre going to take a shower? Ok, Ill be out here watching TV. (True story.) I think this is stemmed from the fact that I never felt anyone could want me in that way. In a sense I still feel that way but that's neither here nor there. It was this attitude that led me to loosing my virginity at the ripe old age of 19. The number of sexual partners Ive had since then can be counted on one hand. Sex still doesnt cross my mind very often. Want to know what I was thinking the last time I masturbated? I need to get the Godfather Trilogy on DVD.
3. Beauty in the breakdown
When I was 21 I had a nervous breakdown. This lead to me disappearing for a month. Spending a lot of the time on the floor crying. An eating disorder that still haunts me and other bad habits. Hint #1: What was the name of the lead character in the movie Secretary hint #2: It's like adrenaline. The Pain is such a sudden rush for me. All this happened before my most humbling moment. There are still people on this planet that think Im dead.
4. Lets lighten things up a bit.
Weird crushes: Miss Piggy. (When she used to karate chop guys and throw them against the wall. um... Yeah. ) Debra Jo Rupp. Butter cup (PowerPuff girl. The short haired one.) Almost all of my female bosses. The most interesting one was married, 15 years my senior... and pregnant. EVERYONE knew I had a crush on her. Her voice reminded me of Salma Hayek. A 7 months pregnant Salma Hayek. Speaking of voices, most people think that Rosie Perez's voice is annoying. I am not one of those people.
5. I have a confession to make:
Some of you may think Im from Texas and I moved out to California to pursue music. Well, Im actually from Philadelphia. I was outside one day playing basketball and a bunch of guys jumped me. My mom, fearing for my life, moved me out to California (Beverly Hills to be exact.) to live with my Uncle Mill. That is the reason why I am out here. There was a TV show based on my experiences growing up with my uncle Mill and his family. Maybe you've heard of it.

oh, and Istillwannahumpjill

Don't you?
1. "Independent as Fuck." co-flow?
2. Miss Piggy was totally attractive. Muppets in Manhattan had her dressed all cute, chasing some mugger on roller skates. Fuck anyone who disagrees.
3. How can I get a copy of your book? I'll read it for sure.
4. Our birthday is bullshit. We totally get glanced over.
5. Yeah. That poem was written by my hungover ass. I was bored, so began thinking about Julio Cortazar...a brilliant writer. The only thing stolen was the "bunny" shit. No quotes, just the idea.
6. I had an eating disorder due to a nervous breakdown. It lasted over a year...the entire last year. I don't really even remember that time. Just starving...binging...purging...and wiggin the fuck out. I lost all friends, sat in my room alone, didn't want to fuck, acted like a piece of shit, hoarded food; that was it. It was a distorted image I wanted to murder, and I came damn close. blah.
7. Spelling is nothing but the mathematical aspect of our language. Our ideas move text, not letters.
8. LA is a wretched fucking place. Detroit is no better. Move back to the East and save yourself.
Well at least that's not what I do, so thank goodness that I don't write for living hehehe.
Yes, my life is like a roller coaster but I'm still on it for the usual... taking it easy and chilling..