A Job Aint Nothing But Work.

1. Living a Slow Death
All nine to five jobs are essentially paying you to die. Life is just a large (or small depending on how you look at it. The glass is half empty...) mass of time. Nine to five jobs are paying you for your time. They give you money in exchange for your life. They are...
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leeh will you come out to ohio?
hi!!!! wink kiss
Things you should know about if you dont already


American Splendor. The story of Harvey Pekar (A person I connect with in so many ways.) a comic book writer. Great even if you have no idea who he is or if you dont read comic books. One of the most original ways to tell a story Ive seen in a while.
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city of god is such a painful movie, so difficult to watch but sooo well done
Geez louise.. you have enough girlfriends on here that I think my being off the market is like dribbling a little bit of soup on your chin - you'll just wipe it off and move on.

I figured the breasts had burned holes in enough corneas... so I retired the pic. Besides.. I hadn't seen any nudies of my friends to justify it (cept Sassy.. but, you know, she gets her share of ass, I'm sure).
First of all R.I.P. to Russell Old Dirty Bastard Jones. I hope you and James are sharing a blunt in Heaven.
Remember when I took that week of from SG? Well, heres what I did with my time:

A good percent of you know that Im pushing a demo right now but a smaller percent of you know that Ive finished a manuscript for...
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such a tease, you are
FINALLY O M G!!!!!!!!!!!!
And now, a word from the president!:
Damn it feels good to be a gangster
Getting voted into the white house
Everything looking good to the people of the world
But the mafia family is my boss
So every now and then I might do a favor
Like letting a big drug shipment through
And send em to the poor community
So we can bust...
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Ummmm, he's a minor celebrity, it doesn't count. blush
if i took classes like that then i'd go to school more
If this were Peanuts and I were Charlie Brown...

cheech would be Snoopy because hes my dog.
jill would be Woodstock. The 1969 woodstock not the 1999 one. I love your name so much Jill. Come back to me. Please,
Artchick already has a cartoon character.
irina would be Linus. Because Linus is a paradox: despite his age, he can put life into perspective....
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leeh i never left you..... kiss
hey, thanks for your comment. when i read that line "you deserve your own person", something just clicked. you're totally right dude and thank you for that. kiss

haha, you don't know what a current bun is?! ok, not even google does! it's basically like a hot cross bun without the cross i guess... tongue

lookin at ya, you're definitely more of a bun than a horse biggrin but that's not a bad thing, im a bun too! and so's at least half of the world wink

call your mom!!!!
HAHA, ok Possum Allawishes Jenkins Andre 3000 tongue
Can I get my Grown man on for a second?

In my last journal I had a lot of questions about break ups and whatnot. About ten minutes after I hit save entry my grandmother called. She called to tell me that my oldest brother (the one in my pics.) is getting a divorce. No one knows why. According to her, hes just tired of...
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hey I can relate on that whole family issue. granted, i am the only child in the family but i live in the states and all of them live in japan so I barely see them. i do talk to my mother often lately tho cuz i had to update her about my job search and whatnot but besides that, i really don't keep in touch with my family anymore. well..Leeh..I called u our fried rice clan pimp because I can totally imagine us girls in cute little pink fluffy underwear playing pillow fights on the bed while u can just stand next to the bed doing the refree thing in your pimping getup!! lolol haha sorry i got alittle carried away here with my imagination.
By the way, i'm sorry about ur brother wanting a divorce. I'm sure if u ever contact him in some ways, he will realize that u care about what happens in his life -- could be a good thing or bad thing but hey at least u are letting him know that u are in his life...right??
I don't know..maybe I should shut the fuck up about things I dont know. Just a thought tho. Leeh..by the way, Tribe called Quest reminds me of my high school good times. I used to be so in love with Q-tip...
What can I say? I'm a changed woman.
Off for a few days. Funny, I thought the missing you part was my job?

hahaha stalker lol -- aww man, Yumi is cute, isn't she??
By the way, the whole comment about Angelina Jolie...okay first of all, it's very unfortunate that alot of women tend to think that my Angie is HOT( that means alot of competition for me lol). But not many people are as psycho as I am about her tho( and pround of it, god dammn it!!!). I heard that she was in love / hooked up with a japanese actress/model Jenny Shimizu awhile back...I'm just hoping someday i can get a hold of her... love
Oh my God it's its Bob and David! (Random thoughts)

First off I want ot thank you for the comments of my last post. I dont know if it shows but I m always a little awkward about doing stuff like that. Also I had to remind an awful lot of you to vote. I hope you dont act like that on the second. (BTW:...
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yes.. I love the bit about marriage as a shut down.. I've used the boyfriend excuse before.. it's just cleaner. If guys weren't so persistent, it would be easier to be honest and just say, "No man, sorry, not my type"
-"But you don't even know me"
-"I can tell"
-"Now how can you tell... look, let's just get some cof..."
-"No, really, thank you.. I need to help the next customer in line.."
-"Well ok... but here's my number if you change your mind.."
(looks for a pen... finds a receipt in his pocket... people getting impatient... me getting embarrassed...)
-a week later-
-"Hey.. you never called me..."

Saying you have a boyfriend alleviates all hope and conserves energy in one swoop.

On to the poetry (I'm really enjoying this, by the way... I hope you are too). I won't lie.. this is from the archives.


Bubble heads like little globes scattered around this room
The dark ones hide in hair and hats, others shine like the moon
Terrarium, bio dome, making their own light and greens
Petals different shades of red, lapping like a breeze

Like a shutter, like a flash, or a cliff that could take you away
Its a sudden drop, a snapping towel, attentively to say
The least is yet to come in this atmosphere
The air is dark as the streets and the sentiments pouring from his beer

Screeching laughter is coming from a corner of a short skirt
Dangerously close to the crosswalk sign and a girl whos looking curt
Snobby coffee that makes it alright to have another cigarette
It all tastes thick, unhealthy and comforting cuz it hasnt killed me yet

I know theres a girl out there that is crossing my path soon
Shell have intense arms and eyes that only open after noon
So I can have my morning and my breakfast all alone
Just like I like it, then well ride our bikes, talk on the phone

Well trade jewelry and pieces of succulents rooting in water
Thank the energy in the stars well never have to have a daughter
Like us, like a crazy creamy filling wrapped in chiffon
Always waiting, just keeping busy until the next turn on

Shell look like tips of stars that trail off in a deep blue sea
Ill throw away all of my mirrors so I wont have to look at me
The air will feel and smell like music from a soulful man
Well procreate in ways that even he wont understand

Then the screen door and the fog blend into a color, looking like one
The blanket is warm except when I pull this string and it comes undone
Ants on a log, they make on tv with little kids, with little hands
I envy them, their simple tastes, that they dont understand

While my body is shaped like a vase I want to fill all the way up
Stems that stick together, ferns Id kiss back, bottom to top
And I see little bubbles, little bubbleheads without surprise
Better there, I guess, better there than back in my eyes
uh oh.. double post...

[Edited on Oct 28, 2004 7:10AM]
A life in the day of...

Dont tell me I wasnt born for this Hip hop shit
I came out the same year as Rappers Delight did
12/30/79, I cant rewrite it
I dont really like the 80s so I came out quick
I was supposed to die when I was born thats what the doctor told my dad
So he had to choose; wife...
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There are a couple ways to go about getting published. Your best bet when it comes to poetry is to publish in magazines and such first....because no publishing company wants to print a poetry book from an "unknown" artist. They don't want anything new; they want what's familiar and already popular.

Your OTHER option is to publish it yourself...there are many places that will help you with that...And then there's Lulu, which is an online self-publishing thingy. It's neat because you don't need anything approved or anything...you pay to have your stuff printed and bound, and it's done. If you want an ISBN, you can pay for that too. It's also up for OTHER people to purchase (you set the price and get the royalties). So if you marketed your stuff really well, using Lulu wouldn't be too bad an option. It's not as expensive as it sounds, honestly.
i was actually potty mouthed at 8. ahaha i started young shocked
My Dating Profile


i'm sorry i'm ugly/all that i am and i can never live up/i'm failing, i'm angry. Otep Blood Pigs

Light skinned nigga/ turn red but get green. Luda Chris Bridges

I want a perfect body, I want a perfect soul/ I want you to notice, when I'm not around/ You're so fucking special/ I wish I was special/ But I'm a...
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if your talking about what i think your talking about..it looks to me she just shaved that day or something..ouch..

well i like random .sometimes i don't have the attention span to read 21 questionaires..sigh. confused whatever blush
Awwww... LEEH im so sorry. Seriously. I will make it up to you. Promise. biggrin
This Week (Although its technically last week.)

1. Neptune adventures.
So, Im walking down Highland Ave in No. Hollywood at about 10 pm and this guy rides up on his bike. I pay him no attention but when he passes me he says Hey, boy. Now where Im from Hey and boy put together are fighting words so I turn around to see if he...
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Carlin did a book-reading here yesterday... since his book is his act, that basically means he was doing a free performance... but I know the Courthouse Olsson's bookstore, it is fucking tiny, and you had to go get tickets at 8 am for his appearance at 7... I'm not a fan of the mobbed, overcrowded difficult book-signing.

Still kinda wish I'd gone, though.

re: work- If we had the right to not serve people on the basis that they're assholes, who'd ever get served?
i finally read your journal......
good stuff
i bet that really was nerd YOU DORK
kiss blush biggrin