long into tomorrows
not having closure
is the worst
say goodbye
fuck you
it's better than
Not Now
Not Here
Not You
just a simple thing
could mean worlds of solice
You Don't Fit Into My Plans
thanks for nothing
i can't even scream
because nothing was bought
or sold
time was given freely
feelings were given freely
nothing asked...
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the death and depth of a wasted dream
why do you dream about normal
what does normal look like anyways
up before the yellow disk
a shower
a shave
coffee : most tempting of legal narcotics
kiss goodbye
hug goodbye : obviously not for everyone
car bus train to your respective
city of industries
_________ insert name here
than live that slow death
that only...
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4 hours
the drive isn't really that bad
i can do it without listening
to music
the road is pretty much uncluttered
with traffic
just the occassional road crew
in orange and yellow jackets
with faces that all look exactly the same
at 85 mph
i don't need to listen to music because
my head is already filled with the
conversations that we should have...
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house cleaning
so i was cleaning out the laptop
and ran across some poems.
at the time i deleted them from my blogs
i felt that they had served their purpose
now i'm re-posting because i'm feeling a
bit nostalgic.
now just a word of caution.
these were written by me, for me,
and for my piece of mind.
so don't feel obligated to comment...
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Dealing with someone who is a bit off
Ring, Ring, Ring
My office line is ringing, so I answer it.
"Why are you still there? Why are you answering the phone? Haven't you left yet?"
This is, of course, my mom.
"What are you talking about Mom?" I ask
"Why are you still there?" she repeats, "Don't you know what's going on?"
"Still confused, but...
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epiphany or logical
the following is taken from an email I sent recently in response to a friends question about a personal dilemma
"...... But it is interesting that you bring up the "voice of god" telling you what you should do.
I have felt lost/pulled around because I'm uncertain as well. of course my position is a slight bit different as I already have...
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the following is taken from an email I sent recently in response to a friends question about a personal dilemma
"...... But it is interesting that you bring up the "voice of god" telling you what you should do.
I have felt lost/pulled around because I'm uncertain as well. of course my position is a slight bit different as I already have...
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Kodak moments, pogo sticks, cortisol, robots, and Microsoft MS-DOS
It's crazy time this morning. Get ready, cause this is what a brain looks like without sleep for 2 days. 5am and counting. I want to do photoshop stuff, but my eyes get too droopy. I can't sleep cause when I'm in bed, I don't feel tired at all.
Don't watch tv when you're like this,...
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It's crazy time this morning. Get ready, cause this is what a brain looks like without sleep for 2 days. 5am and counting. I want to do photoshop stuff, but my eyes get too droopy. I can't sleep cause when I'm in bed, I don't feel tired at all.
Don't watch tv when you're like this,...
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just dealing with these lying promoters thats all

thank you so much for your comment on my set.
Would anyone think I was racist if I said I didn't think kidnapping was worse than alien abduction?
I love my apartment. I will never move. The only way I'm leaving here is with a toetag on. Did I mention that I love my apartment?
Thank you for the comment on my set!
oh hey where do I know you from?

Sorry, from RSC. I'll finish this in an email if that's ok. Privacy and all.
So, I got very drunk at one of my best friends B-day party last Sat. And as all things like this must always happen thus, The Girl, shows up after she got off her job. I honestly only remember her coming in, and I remember saying hi to her, and I remember her walking away to get a beer, but after that..... well lets just...
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