something, anything, everything
The things I notice, I think, are the things others
might take for granted
like the world as it holds it collective breath
the stale hot breath of daily life,
watching it wait for something, anything, everything
i feel that breath on my neck
when i'm at work.
driving to the store
when i'm paying my bills
on the roof looking at passing cars
when i'm lying next to her
especially when i am near her
it's a tense feeling
it keeps me from taking action
i should be talking
or laughing
or beating my chest to show the world that i do care
but still, the breath is just a little wisp
and it escapes only too briefly.
a tiny puff that's a heartbeat away from becoming
something, anything, everything.
maybe i have forgotten to notice the important things
forgotten to pay attention to what's suppose to unfold
for me in my future.
all part of better planning?
No, i think that i am noticing the important things
things like the impossible, and almost fantastic
beauty of a 20 ton slice of metal gliding out of
a storm cloud.
watching as it passes overhead so close that I think
I could touch it if I raised my hand
amazed that this monster can land with such a violent
thunder of breaking engines and burning rubber and
know that everyone inside is as safe as I am sitting there
eating my lunch
or maybe it's when I notice the lines on the face
of the old woman selling roses on the corner, and
who always gives me five seconds of her time by
showing me a smile as i'm stopped at the light on
my way to go shopping.
And maybe it's the looks on the faces of one of a
half dozen little peruvian kids, wide eyed and gaping
mouths that are full of tiny white perfect teeth.
Staring at, what to them must be, a giant straight out
a fairy tale that was told to them the night before to
scare them into being mindful of their parents wishes
and to see them hiding behind skirts as they peek at
me when we are all in line to pay our phone bill
or maybe it's when i'm on my rooftop perch, finding
the humor in watching ridiculous looking cars carrying
ridiculous looking people up and down the same stretch
of road. Back and forth for what seems like hours.
and maybe it's just as simple as not wanting to face
that 35 to 40 minute drive back home and just wanting
to sit there and watch her breath as she sleeps.
even if it is only for just another couple of minutes.
i think i do notice the important things
the things that are important to me
the somethings, the anythings, the everythings