a drink with good to questionable company
people have seen a ghost in my building
many people over the years report the same
it's always a he
and he wanders the upstairs hallway
the laundry room
the band room with it's shitty carpet
oh, the stories i bet he can tell about
the wild nights in
that little room
there was a few run ins with our
celestial friend in the bar downstairs
but drunks live in my basement
don't believe drunks
if he's tall or short
thin or fat
no one has established thus
but everyone who has seen
him all quote the same two facts
he is always quiet
and he is always alone
it would seem our friend
prefers the night,
though a couple daytime sightings
have occurred.
he doesn't float
he walks or just stands still
(i guess even ghosts get tired)
now i have been here
8 long years in this building
and i've never seen him
i don't believe in his kind
i guess that gives me a special power
or maybe it's a hindrance
but i do know that if i ever see him
i'll quietly ask him in for a drink
and maybe to shoot the breeze
that way he'll know he's not