Really getting the fingering down on a lot of the songs that have been troubling me for a long time. Learned a bit of Monkey Wrench by Foo Fighters today. It's simpler than I had thought at first.
Karaoke tomorrow. Looking forward to it. Still haven't seen her more than in passing since Friday. Not looking forward to it, but I may have to ask one of her friends for her name and to drag her out of the tent so we can go to karaoke.
I have started a new writing project. Goal is a thousand words per day for around sixty days. If I complete this, I will have written two novels this deployment, which will be awesome. Still need to get the complete one published, but Katy doesn't want to give me the cover art except in person, which means that I have to wait a few more months. I guess I am fine with that. Having a second book in the series prepped to go would help sell it to the publisher as a viable investment.