Writing is coming along well on my second book. The words are flowing better than they have been the last couple of weeks. Kay is turning into a right monster. It amuses me.


I don't know why I am depressed today. Maybe it is because I can't seem to sleep all through the night or until it's somewhere near one in the morning. Maybe it is because I'm just reminded of all sorts of things that I don't have that I want because I think that somehow it will make me feel more accomplished or better. Today I...
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Feeling kinda guilty today. She invited me to join her at an archery range yesterday, and I originally accepted, but once I got off work I was feeling depressed and tired, so I told her I was feeling sick and exhausted and couldn't make it. It wasn't a lie, if one considers depression a sickness, which I do, but I still feel bad about it....
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Wrote a book, and it is now in the process of hitting the Amazon shelves. Currently available, however, through CreateSpace's Estore. I feel awesome!


Now live on Amazon as well.http://www.amazon.com/Master-Plan-Madness-Family-Volume/dp/1494327791/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1404866279&sr=8-1&keywords=no+master+plan+here

Back in America, have internet, and have been having some pretty good days. Relaxing four day weekend.

The room has no air conditioning, which is a bummer, but it is still nice being able to sleep in silence and solitude again, even if it is hotter than it ever was indoors downrange.

Need to get a haircut today. The sides are too long, and I...
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Back in America. Internet will be in room in a few days. Reintegration training begins Monday. This weekend I meet her.


Skype call, or the attempt of it, was painfully distraught with technical difficulties today. Told her about the welcome back ceremony that is happening. She said that she would see about coming. It will be interesting if she makes it.


So this will be a bit of a rant, something that has been said many a time before and will be said many a time anon, but rarely by me because I tend to keep most of my rants to myself. Nearly a decade in the Army has taught me to shut up and color, as so many in this unit put it, that I...
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Less than two weeks left until I set foot on American soil again. Give or take, of course.

Cut my finger this morning due to not being careful when cutting the top off of a frozen juice box. Makeshift pineapple popsicle was still delicious. Now it's time for lunch. Yaaay.