is reporting Obama +2.4% over McCain in North Carolina 
Deadline for NC Voting Registration: October 10th; Early Voting/Abentee options avaiable until November 1
And this time, NC's 15 electoral votes could easily decide the election...YOUR VOTE WILL COUNT
And please, we need to outvote these scary folks:
These folks are real McCain/Palin supporters; I have seen them at poker tables from central WV to the boonies of Western NC (and yes...I almost always took their money

Deadline for NC Voting Registration: October 10th; Early Voting/Abentee options avaiable until November 1
And this time, NC's 15 electoral votes could easily decide the election...YOUR VOTE WILL COUNT
And please, we need to outvote these scary folks:
These folks are real McCain/Palin supporters; I have seen them at poker tables from central WV to the boonies of Western NC (and yes...I almost always took their money

Here's one that takes the cake: Marksy works with this mouthbreather who thinks Palin shouldn't be eligible to run because she's not American. Because, as he said, Alaska is "way up there with Canada and Russia" and he, in his infinite wisdom, doesn't consider it part of the US.
Heaven help us.