Rest in peace, Otomo, and may a flight of angels sing thee to thy rest. Yup, it finally happened. Nyarlathotep, the Vinegaroon, got real hungry and real pissed off, and managed to find a way to break into Otomo the Tarantula's side of the terrarium. This ended with Otomo in tiny little pieces all over the sand and Nyarlathotep with a noticeably distended belly. Can't get pissed at Nyarlathotep, its nature and all, but still, Otomo was totally sweet. She will be missed.
i hate to sound like a prick, and i KNOW that if you had been there you would have saved the day, BUT if it HAD to happen, it would have been kinda cool to watch, don't ya think?
maybe that's just me.
i haven't started the new Lansdale book yet. i'm in the middle of 2 novels, and then today i picked up Conspiranoia. i'll prolly finish that one first.
the Joe R. book is one of his Hap/Leonard series. i dunno if you've read any of those yet, but i highly recommend 'em.
check out his website too. i think you'd like it. he has his own fighting system that he teaches down in Texas too.