RADNESS ENSUES! Haha, mongoloid producer Greg decided to have a crew meeting for the movie I'm working on tonight, but then he decided not to come. See, he's too busy waiting for the wifey to come home so they can spend quality time, i.e. he's totally pussy-whipped. THUS, we decided to can the stupid meeting. Now a bore-night has become a FUN NIGHT! Sold me some crappy CDs, so now I have $11 (enough to go to the GUN SHOW TOMORROW!) and I don't even have to go listen to Greg babble on for hours on end about whatever stupid movie he's "directing" right now, instead I get to go play video games with my friends and cause havoc and destruction across the land! And now? Now is the time for BACON AND EGGS! Flesh and babies for dinner!
More Blogs
Sunday Mar 09, 2003
Hmm...this may not be my shining hour of discretion... So my ex an… -
Tuesday Mar 04, 2003
Rumors of my death were greatly exaggerated. Rumors of me being real… -
Thursday Feb 27, 2003
Wow. Today completely pales in comparison to the excitement of yeste… -
Tuesday Feb 25, 2003
First and foremost, big shout-outs to all my homies who wished me wel… -
Monday Feb 24, 2003
I feel the need to inform you that I AM THE CHOSEN ONE. Yeah, that's… -
Sunday Feb 23, 2003
Hmm, the ol' profile was due for an update, so got that taken care of… -
Wednesday Feb 19, 2003
IKA No 13: but seiji adds PLUS +666 for "killing stuff with sword" sk… -
Monday Feb 17, 2003
Ugh...paying bills sucks. I had a paycheck at one point...I swear! -
Sunday Feb 16, 2003
So I decide to paint miniatures today (in lieu of doing homework, obv… -
Saturday Feb 15, 2003
Wow, what an utterly bizarre yet fun day/night combination this has b…
which i think sounds even cooler.