All shall now witness my triumphant return! See, the wireless DSL thing on my computer decided to die. To death. Thus, my inter-web connection was killed without mercy, and I had to get a land-line installed in the ol' apartment so I could get a dial-up service. Well, after doing mighty battle with the Verizon goons for a week or so I now have a phone line, and even though Pitt's dialup service is being a whore, I can at least use my parents account after they go to sleep. Thus, I am back. In black. On the attack. And that, is the story of my prolonged absence. For Mr. Grooverider, yessir I do study ninjutsu under the American Bujinkan. I'm just a pussy little 7th Kyu though, since I've only been doing it for 10 months or so. In fact, I just now got back from some training and almost managed to break my wrist. Breaking wrists is SWEET, now hopefully I'll get a totally cool bruise, which would also be TOTALLY SWEET. And tomorrow I'm going CHRISTMAS CAROLING. Thats gonna ROCK ROCK ROCK.
is 7th kyu as pussy as it gets? i need to learn the ninja face rip.
Naw, it starts at no Kyu, and then after your first test you get 9th Kyu, so I tested 3 times so far, which I think is still pretty pussy, although I almost separated my friend George's spine a couple times tonight.