Sleeping in and then eating Cap'n Crunch ROCKS! So does getting PAID! That's why today is a GOOD DAY. And then some good ol' fashion ninja training, and after that the super-duper midnight double feature horror-vision shock-o-rama! Sweet! But first I gotta do work-ey type crap around here, that blows. Oh well, can't win 'em all! Anyone but me ever notice how every heavy metal band ever has songs about slaying dragons? And how they all tend to rock? See, that's how you can tell whether or not a metal band is any good, if they have songs about slaying dragons or piloting spaceships. No spaceships or dragons, and you know its just gonna be some whiny PC crap about how people are mean and make them sad. Then you give 'em the old angry fist and tell them to put themselves on the path of righteousness instead of the road to rack and ruin! Such is the way!
Ha,ha..Dino-sex WOULD kick ass!!!! Probably shouldn't try it right now though , you might stick to the metal . You'll wind up looking like a perverted version of the kid from A Christmas Story who got his tongue stuck to the flagpole .