If anyone actually reads my blog would you mind going to vote for a friend of mine in the Miss Social Network contest. It's free and you can sign up with two email accounts to send votes there is a few more hours left as the contest ends at Midnight EST. The link to her profile is : http://www.misssocialnetwork.com/profile/4324/.. She's running for May and would love to win. Would just take a few minutes of your time. Please Go Vote =)
More Blogs
Friday Jan 07, 2011
Was just watching Cashback...quite the interesting movie. Funny. Swee… -
Friday Dec 31, 2010
Happy New Year Everyone!! -
Tuesday Dec 14, 2010
Elder Scrolls Skyrim why do you have to come out next November...Your… -
Sunday Nov 28, 2010
Christmas is almost here and I just found out Santa isn't real....=( -
Monday Nov 22, 2010
WOW playing XBOX 360 KINECT gets you tired or maybe i'm not as fit as… -
Monday Nov 15, 2010
Angry Birds...You make me so Angry I could just throw my phone at the… -
Wednesday Oct 27, 2010
Best Tweet ever from cityrider49 " Playboy may be the girl next door … -
Tuesday Oct 26, 2010
Kinects...next generation of gaming....man now games are interactive … -
Saturday Oct 23, 2010
Way 2 go Velasquez over your win against Lesner -
Friday Oct 22, 2010
There's been so many remakes of Asian films I am surprised that Audit…