Blasted Bell! Writing from the internet cafe at chapters right now, so this must be quick... Hope everything is going well with everyone. Things seem to be going very well here... All moved in and what not... Supposed to have a telephone and the internet up and running yesterday, bu thanks to Bell Canada, we do not. If all goes accoring to plan, things will be good to go tomorrow morning. The just need to test the line, and then we should be ready to roll.
Thank you, thank you to Mr. radiofrank for all he did for Erin and I yesterday... We certainly appreciate everything. Cheers to you good sir. Come visit again anytime.
Well.... other than that, again, I hope all is well with everyone... Take good care of eacthother... Shall be back very shortly with more. Thanks for all of the kind words. Cheers!
Thank you, thank you to Mr. radiofrank for all he did for Erin and I yesterday... We certainly appreciate everything. Cheers to you good sir. Come visit again anytime.
Well.... other than that, again, I hope all is well with everyone... Take good care of eacthother... Shall be back very shortly with more. Thanks for all of the kind words. Cheers!

I was glad that I could be of some help to you two yesterday, and I look forward to seeing you and Erin soon.
Cheers, and have a good night.