A few pet peeves:
1. When people can't spell..i wanna tell them to go back to elementary school
**2.When people "psst" at me to get my attention. It'll get my attention all right, i'll turn around and punch you in the throat.
3. Don't call me kid. I will also punch you.
4. People that match their green(or any other flamboyant color) shirt to their shoes, boxers, hat, wristbands, belt, and jean hems. Dont come to my store asking for a green belt. I will laugh in your face and then tell you to get out.
5. People that throw around the words 'gay" or 'homo' in every other sentence they say.
6. People that go to clubs and then say "i don't dance." Get out of the DANCE CLUB then. Go to a bar if you're going for the chicks and booze. Who cares if you don't know how to dance? No one's critiquing you.
7. This might sound pretty dumb but i hate it when you're at the checkout lane in the grocery store and there's only one other person in front of you and they take up the whole conveyor belt thing with their cart and/or their fat asses. Let me put my damn food on the counter. k thx.
**8. Men: If i'm playing pool, don't talk to me. Pool is like my therapy and i don't need some redneck (which is who they usually are) coming up to me and trying to teach me how to play pool. Sorry Billy Bob, i come here every week and i could probably slaughter you at pool.
I'm really not a mean person (i swear), it's just those ^^things^^ that drive me crazy.
1. When people can't spell..i wanna tell them to go back to elementary school
**2.When people "psst" at me to get my attention. It'll get my attention all right, i'll turn around and punch you in the throat.
3. Don't call me kid. I will also punch you.
4. People that match their green(or any other flamboyant color) shirt to their shoes, boxers, hat, wristbands, belt, and jean hems. Dont come to my store asking for a green belt. I will laugh in your face and then tell you to get out.
5. People that throw around the words 'gay" or 'homo' in every other sentence they say.
6. People that go to clubs and then say "i don't dance." Get out of the DANCE CLUB then. Go to a bar if you're going for the chicks and booze. Who cares if you don't know how to dance? No one's critiquing you.
7. This might sound pretty dumb but i hate it when you're at the checkout lane in the grocery store and there's only one other person in front of you and they take up the whole conveyor belt thing with their cart and/or their fat asses. Let me put my damn food on the counter. k thx.
**8. Men: If i'm playing pool, don't talk to me. Pool is like my therapy and i don't need some redneck (which is who they usually are) coming up to me and trying to teach me how to play pool. Sorry Billy Bob, i come here every week and i could probably slaughter you at pool.
I'm really not a mean person (i swear), it's just those ^^things^^ that drive me crazy.
Lol, I can so tell you work shitty retail. I love the fact that you'd consider punching someone in the throat.And the pool thing I agree with, except I've had girls flirt and annoy the hell out of me while Im playing, then wonder why Im rude, blah
So how good are you?

i did email them no reply i think we just have to sit and wait it out..