ok. so i have to warn everyone that this entry may be about my work. and as you can tell from my current user name i don't really like work.
well. i'll try to make this not a boring bitch session. so first off, on my drive to work i get Break Down by Tom Petty stuck in my head, I'm not sure if that's the name but those are the words i was repeating all night. if you want to avoid bitching skip to last paragraph.
second, the main reason i feel like leaving a journal entry today. This host i've had to work with this weekend blows my mind. Yesterday she would not stop bothering me about going home. Today she would not stop badgering me about becoming a server. Like constant whining both nights for 4 or 5 hours. now understand general public, restaurant managers as i would assume most other types of managers, have many many responsibilties and problems and situations they need to be aware of, constant bickering from an employee is not needed, and wont help that employee get anywhere.
favorite dumb host quote "I'm not here to please anyone, I get what I want, and if I don't, I'm not sticking around for the sake of someone else." I felt like saying, "Oh yeah, you're going to get real far with that attitude." but then again, she's really hot so her attitude doesn't really matter cause there will always be some dumb rich asshole or manager that gives her her way. ok. done bitching about arrogant bitch for now. on to a lighter subject.
so i was running around after the football game rush, and decided to use the customer bathroom to relieve myself. well, upon entering the bathroom i realize there is someone hold up in the stall pacing back and forth and talking to themselves. I called out, "Sir, I'm going to need you to leave" the response,"Ok, Ok, I thought i might have to" game seeping out of the cracks in the metal doors. my heart raced, the door swung open, there, in my bathroom, was charlie mansons twin bum brother holding a can of beer. I told him to grab all his shit, he picked it all up, then he lightly jabbed me in the stomach a few times, asked me for money, and talked about jesus. i said, "that's great sir, I bet" and escorted him out of the restaurant. see many things i need to deal with besids whiney employees.
I'm putting confronting a drunk bum high on my scarey life events list.
well. i'll try to make this not a boring bitch session. so first off, on my drive to work i get Break Down by Tom Petty stuck in my head, I'm not sure if that's the name but those are the words i was repeating all night. if you want to avoid bitching skip to last paragraph.
second, the main reason i feel like leaving a journal entry today. This host i've had to work with this weekend blows my mind. Yesterday she would not stop bothering me about going home. Today she would not stop badgering me about becoming a server. Like constant whining both nights for 4 or 5 hours. now understand general public, restaurant managers as i would assume most other types of managers, have many many responsibilties and problems and situations they need to be aware of, constant bickering from an employee is not needed, and wont help that employee get anywhere.
favorite dumb host quote "I'm not here to please anyone, I get what I want, and if I don't, I'm not sticking around for the sake of someone else." I felt like saying, "Oh yeah, you're going to get real far with that attitude." but then again, she's really hot so her attitude doesn't really matter cause there will always be some dumb rich asshole or manager that gives her her way. ok. done bitching about arrogant bitch for now. on to a lighter subject.
so i was running around after the football game rush, and decided to use the customer bathroom to relieve myself. well, upon entering the bathroom i realize there is someone hold up in the stall pacing back and forth and talking to themselves. I called out, "Sir, I'm going to need you to leave" the response,"Ok, Ok, I thought i might have to" game seeping out of the cracks in the metal doors. my heart raced, the door swung open, there, in my bathroom, was charlie mansons twin bum brother holding a can of beer. I told him to grab all his shit, he picked it all up, then he lightly jabbed me in the stomach a few times, asked me for money, and talked about jesus. i said, "that's great sir, I bet" and escorted him out of the restaurant. see many things i need to deal with besids whiney employees.

so then today, someone tells me there is a guy probably passed out or not moving in our bathroom. I'm thinkinga goddamn bum o'ded on heroin or something. well i bust in there expecting to find a dead body, and its just a jacket, around the corner there is this poor mutilated black man who tells me he is just trying to charge his wheelchair battery. he apologized and explained his situation to me. so i told him that he could stay for 10 more minutes, and noticing a cig butt next to him, told him he cant smoke in there. on his way out he pointed out a hole in his jacket where all the down filling was coming out and floating around his face. seeing his one hand was a burnt stub, i found some tape and taped up the hole for him.
we came to your work on the 1st about 3 o'clock....no ewel.