Hahaha! Yes I've had that feeling... I think sometimes programs won't compile just for FUN. You know.."Hey, look at this guys, I'll REALLY make her crack!!"
Actually, now (in third year) we rarely program... it's all analysing pseudocode algorithms and writing obscure proofs. Pretty much all theory. So now it's my textbooks (and my head) I want to chuck out the window.
How long did you follow comp sci through?
So the weekend is coming up... congrats, you made it.
Hahaha! Yes I've had that feeling... I think sometimes programs won't compile just for FUN. You know.."Hey, look at this guys, I'll REALLY make her crack!!"
Actually, now (in third year) we rarely program... it's all analysing pseudocode algorithms and writing obscure proofs. Pretty much all theory. So now it's my textbooks (and my head) I want to chuck out the window.
How long did you follow comp sci through?
So the weekend is coming up... congrats, you made it.