I am soooo fucking hot. Now i could turn on the a.c., but that just doesn't make sense now does it. What does make sense is putting on pants and a long sleeve shirt and tie and sitting around for 5 minutes just to really sweat it up before work, then hopping in the car and keeping the windows rolled up to see if i can even breathe. oh yeah. at least we have electricity, oh wait, if we didn't fuck if i'd go to work today.
last night this guy was signing his credit card reciept, and he obviously needed to invest in some reading glasses, he was all hunched over about 8 inches from the counter. I just imagined dropping a heavy fist on the back of his head and watching his big nose crack and bleed as it hit the counter, hahahahahaha
last night this guy was signing his credit card reciept, and he obviously needed to invest in some reading glasses, he was all hunched over about 8 inches from the counter. I just imagined dropping a heavy fist on the back of his head and watching his big nose crack and bleed as it hit the counter, hahahahahaha