So I figure, it coming to the end of my birthday, I might as well start writing in this thing and let you guys know a little bit about me.... I went and saw one of my bands tonight, Fall Out Boy, in Jacksonville. Usually shows in Jacksonville are fucking terrible, but there were tons of kids there tonight, it was great. I don't know if you guys even know what it feels like to work a band from the ground up, seeing them go from playing to a crowd that doesn't even know who they are, to headlining a show and having every kid in the place singing along to every word. It makes the long days at the office seem so worth it. It was a great birthday present for sure. Other than that it was a pretty boring birthday, I was hung over most of the day. I did get a great phone call from my friends who are on tour over in Europe, it was great to hear from you Mikey, Buddy, Roger, Vinnie, and Rhino! I should be over there with you guys! Well, I am signing out for the evening, thanks for reading this, I guess.... Someone make me their friend, I have none on here, I feel lonely! -Mav