Japanese Garden
Hello, everyone!
He estado mucho tiempo desaparecida... I'm sorry, soy una maldita ocupada...
Here, there are some pics about my new look. I hope that you like it...

On Tuesday I saw to my s fuckin special boy... I was stranger, like everything about him. Nobody can explain what I felt this day... And nobody can explain what I feel now

I have preparing my new set to SG, with my favourite girl Talena. I hope that will be accept esta vez...
Hugs from far away
Greetings, sweethearts...

Hello, everyone!
He estado mucho tiempo desaparecida... I'm sorry, soy una maldita ocupada...
Here, there are some pics about my new look. I hope that you like it...

On Tuesday I saw to my s fuckin special boy... I was stranger, like everything about him. Nobody can explain what I felt this day... And nobody can explain what I feel now

I have preparing my new set to SG, with my favourite girl Talena. I hope that will be accept esta vez...
Hugs from far away
Greetings, sweethearts...

Thanks for the note. I love the new look and can't wait for a new set.
How is life down in Chile? I see that you are a student, are your studies going well?
How did you find this site and what made you want to pose, I think it is great so many girls have the courage to do it.
All the best