I am unprepared to burn things
The man that is burning is fast approaching.
And my original plans have fallen through.
I am currently without a ride, and thus far I am no more prepared that having a sleeping bag.
To all sympathetics out there, does anyone out there have space for me in their mode of transport?
Ideally, I'd love to rent an extra bed in somebody's camper, but beggars can't be choosers, and I'll take a space in the trunk of somebody's Yugo, if that's all that's available.
Thanks, my friends
The man that is burning is fast approaching.
And my original plans have fallen through.
I am currently without a ride, and thus far I am no more prepared that having a sleeping bag.
To all sympathetics out there, does anyone out there have space for me in their mode of transport?
Ideally, I'd love to rent an extra bed in somebody's camper, but beggars can't be choosers, and I'll take a space in the trunk of somebody's Yugo, if that's all that's available.
Thanks, my friends
whens burning man? Ive never been. someday I will partake