Alright, time for a new post.
My artshow came and went. My Debut group show, followed closely by my debut solo show (which coincidently fell on the date of my 34th birthday)
It was surreal. Not just the night itself, but the last two months leading up to it too. Painting every night, all night. Sleeping three hours between painting binges. It was brutal. I...
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My artshow came and went. My Debut group show, followed closely by my debut solo show (which coincidently fell on the date of my 34th birthday)
It was surreal. Not just the night itself, but the last two months leading up to it too. Painting every night, all night. Sleeping three hours between painting binges. It was brutal. I...
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Stress is hitting me like a hammer.... periodically throughout the day, I suddenly remember what's happening in my life....
This is it... this is the big enchilada... all career choices up to now had been chosen for the sake of failure.... something to do to pass the time until I die...
Now, I feel like there could be meaning to my life... LIke I could...
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This is it... this is the big enchilada... all career choices up to now had been chosen for the sake of failure.... something to do to pass the time until I die...
Now, I feel like there could be meaning to my life... LIke I could...
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My debut opeing
September 9th... It's a group show, called, "Pushing limits" (sigh)
October 6th... My solo show opens. It's also the day of my thirty-fourth birthday. Come by drink wine, enjoy art, smoke a stogie, and watch me age an entire year in one evening =)
At the Karen Lynne Gallery
216 N. Canon Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
call me for more...
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September 9th... It's a group show, called, "Pushing limits" (sigh)
October 6th... My solo show opens. It's also the day of my thirty-fourth birthday. Come by drink wine, enjoy art, smoke a stogie, and watch me age an entire year in one evening =)
At the Karen Lynne Gallery
216 N. Canon Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
call me for more...
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Quantum Weeping
....emotions seem to happen without our approval.... Duality.... Irony.... Hypocrisy...
One thing and the other.... like a quanta passing through two pin pricks in a piece of paper simultaneously... and passing through the same pin prick simultaneously as well...
Imagine trying to leave a building and suddenly your shouldering past yourself... a duplicate you, just as real, appearing from undefined time and space......
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....emotions seem to happen without our approval.... Duality.... Irony.... Hypocrisy...
One thing and the other.... like a quanta passing through two pin pricks in a piece of paper simultaneously... and passing through the same pin prick simultaneously as well...
Imagine trying to leave a building and suddenly your shouldering past yourself... a duplicate you, just as real, appearing from undefined time and space......
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Okay.... This is a great story. but I've told the story so many times that it's become as stale as flat club soda to me.
Ted, my ex, recently typed it out for her boyfriend to read. It tickles me to hear the story from another point of view.
I love how she refers to my hair-cut as a "hair-cut" with quotes areound it and...
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Ted, my ex, recently typed it out for her boyfriend to read. It tickles me to hear the story from another point of view.
I love how she refers to my hair-cut as a "hair-cut" with quotes areound it and...
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Intimacy with Violence.
Three or so weeks ago, Im driving to a party.
I had just come from martial arts class.
I had run home to shower and change, and my muscles were still hot and I was still flush with adrenaline, when I jumped into the car to go to the party.
I was driving down an unlit street in Venice, when a couple...
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Three or so weeks ago, Im driving to a party.
I had just come from martial arts class.
I had run home to shower and change, and my muscles were still hot and I was still flush with adrenaline, when I jumped into the car to go to the party.
I was driving down an unlit street in Venice, when a couple...
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Heh... I found this entertaining, it came across kinda like a tarot reading or an
I-Ching reading or something...
put your music player on shuffle.
Press forward for each question.
Use the song title as the answer to the question.
No cheating! You must put the songs that come up in EXACT ORDER.
1. How am I feeling today?
Confessions of a Knife (Theme Part...
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I-Ching reading or something...
put your music player on shuffle.
Press forward for each question.
Use the song title as the answer to the question.
No cheating! You must put the songs that come up in EXACT ORDER.
1. How am I feeling today?
Confessions of a Knife (Theme Part...
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nice!! yeah, this new design is really freaking me out... i leave for a couple weeks and my SG world's been flipped!
kk... ipod test
put your music player on shuffle.
Press forward for each question.
Use the song title as the answer to the question.
No cheating! You must put the songs that come up in EXACT ORDER.
1. How am I feeling today?
Confessions of a Knife (Theme Part II) -My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult
2. Will I get far in life?
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put your music player on shuffle.
Press forward for each question.
Use the song title as the answer to the question.
No cheating! You must put the songs that come up in EXACT ORDER.
1. How am I feeling today?
Confessions of a Knife (Theme Part II) -My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult
2. Will I get far in life?
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If we live our lives fearing something, then the thing that we fear becomes our lives...
Art must wound and stab us...
...must be the axe for the frozen seas inside us...
I'm numb from the brain down...
A real gallery... real rich people... really bentleys and rolls royces they're valet parking...
Not like it's all about the money but damn!
It wasn't my opening... that comes in September... but my paintings were up in the back of...
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...must be the axe for the frozen seas inside us...
I'm numb from the brain down...
A real gallery... real rich people... really bentleys and rolls royces they're valet parking...
Not like it's all about the money but damn!
It wasn't my opening... that comes in September... but my paintings were up in the back of...
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ohhh fingers crossed... it's amazing to do what you love and make money at the same time.. not many people are that lucky in life. good luck to you!!!
I like magnesium. I take 1000 mgs every day...
Art must wound and stab us...
...must be the axe for the frozen seas inside us...
My soul is alternately riddled with angst, trepidation, fear, and heartache; as well as excitement, confidence, joy, and hopefulness...
48 hours 'til the bomb goes off...
48 hours 'til the gallery opens its doors, and I'll pass through the threshold between being a hopeful artist to being a professional...
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...must be the axe for the frozen seas inside us...
My soul is alternately riddled with angst, trepidation, fear, and heartache; as well as excitement, confidence, joy, and hopefulness...
48 hours 'til the bomb goes off...
48 hours 'til the gallery opens its doors, and I'll pass through the threshold between being a hopeful artist to being a professional...
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Wish you all the luck bro'
Good. Then your mind is in a state of readiness... (Jonnyh Cash voicing the "Space" Coyote on the Simpsons).
Corona Faire has me derailed for the next couple of weekends yet, but I'm going to do what it takes to make it to this.
Corona Faire has me derailed for the next couple of weekends yet, but I'm going to do what it takes to make it to this.