- I found an old picture in the pocket of my coat. An old pin-up photograph from mabe the 50's? Who knows exactly. But I had forgotten that it was given to me at last week. I pulled it out at work and was completely surprised. A guilty smile ran all over my face. I'll post it once I straighten it out. It got bent in my pocket.
- boredom turns otherwise bright people into soemthing quite other than what they are.
- People think being strong is letting the world make you into whatever it takes to get the job done. And indeed soemtimes it is strength.. Usually a wasted strnength. And it is rarely beautiful.
- I have refused to jerk off for the last week. It's interesting.
- my grandmother is sitll fighting to stay alive. She sleeps - a lot. Wakes up to drink her Ensure and to be fed her pills which are not working as well.
- I saw Tiger Army last night. They put on a good show. They were better before. They had too more to prove before. They were still ood, just maybe a little too polished for my tastes.. The crowd was hilarious.
- I found an old picture in the pocket of my coat. An old pin-up photograph from mabe the 50's? Who knows exactly. But I had forgotten that it was given to me at last week. I pulled it out at work and was completely surprised. A guilty smile ran all over my face. I'll post it once I straighten it out. It got bent in my pocket.
- I'm going to rejuvenate my dehydrated body now.
- boredom turns otherwise bright people into soemthing quite other than what they are.
- People think being strong is letting the world make you into whatever it takes to get the job done. And indeed soemtimes it is strength.. Usually a wasted strnength. And it is rarely beautiful.
- I have refused to jerk off for the last week. It's interesting.
- my grandmother is sitll fighting to stay alive. She sleeps - a lot. Wakes up to drink her Ensure and to be fed her pills which are not working as well.
- I saw Tiger Army last night. They put on a good show. They were better before. They had too more to prove before. They were still ood, just maybe a little too polished for my tastes.. The crowd was hilarious.
- I found an old picture in the pocket of my coat. An old pin-up photograph from mabe the 50's? Who knows exactly. But I had forgotten that it was given to me at last week. I pulled it out at work and was completely surprised. A guilty smile ran all over my face. I'll post it once I straighten it out. It got bent in my pocket.
- I'm going to rejuvenate my dehydrated body now.