The visceral beat of desire marches forward in this light air. The silence of myself is like a sign that reads "Don't feed the animal."
I think of M3 and how primed I would be to deal with the symphony in her head. The only expressions it knows are like a monster haolding a sledgehammer in one hand and a knife in the other. She wastes no time in knocking down walls and finding the chaotic vein in someone. Mostly people light up like animals on the defensive, that's okay though. Better that than to be strung along. Like I said, efficient - she wants someone who can keep up with her, pehaps even beat her. There is no time to waste with delicacies. Just demons playing in the night.
I think of M3 and how primed I would be to deal with the symphony in her head. The only expressions it knows are like a monster haolding a sledgehammer in one hand and a knife in the other. She wastes no time in knocking down walls and finding the chaotic vein in someone. Mostly people light up like animals on the defensive, that's okay though. Better that than to be strung along. Like I said, efficient - she wants someone who can keep up with her, pehaps even beat her. There is no time to waste with delicacies. Just demons playing in the night.