So, It feels like some time since I've said anything. I'm socially drained. It doesn't tkae much but between work and the family activities, I'v had my fill of socializing for a little while.
I jumped into my dies table today though. I ran out of rags so I can't seal it yet, which stinks because I just want it done already. And no I didn't make the side table. I bough it in shite condition from a thrift store. And the wood isn't in the best of shape either. But it will turn out better than I expected. I blotted the stain on it instead of painting and rubbing off the excess. That combined with a fairl unusual grain should give it a nice look. But all of this is learning. It's my second learning piece and I thnk the next one will have to be somethign that is actually a salvagable piece. If anything, I have to salvage old furniture because I really don't like the book cases and that fake wood-styled laminate that gets put over particle board. Never mind that particle board is heavy and gives off toxis fumes is it gets exposed via soemthign like a scratch.
Anyway, I also woke today from a dream and in the dream, I could feel a blade near the base of my skull. I woke up in the dark with the same feeling and stayed frozen, listening. Nothing. It was all in my head. Before I oke up I remeber feeling the blade at the base of my neck and thinking that someone was trying to take somethign from me, to foil the psychic plastic surgery that is always in progress with me. An expression of inner concern about my role in the external world? That or soemone is invading my dreams or maybe i'm just paranoid.
yeah I can be a little bit paranoid.
hmmm what else. Oh I called soemoen I whadn't spoken to in a long time. Soemone I hadn't spoken to with good reason. The conversation was light and simple. I realized I can rust the universe to avenge myself. He said somethign about having a yeast infection. ummm.. but men don't have reactions to yeast infections so I prodded a little further.... "a red bump in the hole" hmmm... so I had to tell him that it wasn't a yeast infection. Don't know what it is, but it ain't right. Can you imagine that he would've kept going thinking itwas a yeast infection waiting for it to go away, fucking god knows who and how many people? All because he didn't want to think the worst. What a jack ass. I hope the doctor has to run tests that take a few days, just so his worry is prolonged. Of course I could always spread the word about him and his problem... there I am tempted into revenge again.. Will I ever learn? Tiem for bed, we lose an hour of sleep and I really can't be late to work again.
I jumped into my dies table today though. I ran out of rags so I can't seal it yet, which stinks because I just want it done already. And no I didn't make the side table. I bough it in shite condition from a thrift store. And the wood isn't in the best of shape either. But it will turn out better than I expected. I blotted the stain on it instead of painting and rubbing off the excess. That combined with a fairl unusual grain should give it a nice look. But all of this is learning. It's my second learning piece and I thnk the next one will have to be somethign that is actually a salvagable piece. If anything, I have to salvage old furniture because I really don't like the book cases and that fake wood-styled laminate that gets put over particle board. Never mind that particle board is heavy and gives off toxis fumes is it gets exposed via soemthign like a scratch.
Anyway, I also woke today from a dream and in the dream, I could feel a blade near the base of my skull. I woke up in the dark with the same feeling and stayed frozen, listening. Nothing. It was all in my head. Before I oke up I remeber feeling the blade at the base of my neck and thinking that someone was trying to take somethign from me, to foil the psychic plastic surgery that is always in progress with me. An expression of inner concern about my role in the external world? That or soemone is invading my dreams or maybe i'm just paranoid.

hmmm what else. Oh I called soemoen I whadn't spoken to in a long time. Soemone I hadn't spoken to with good reason. The conversation was light and simple. I realized I can rust the universe to avenge myself. He said somethign about having a yeast infection. ummm.. but men don't have reactions to yeast infections so I prodded a little further.... "a red bump in the hole" hmmm... so I had to tell him that it wasn't a yeast infection. Don't know what it is, but it ain't right. Can you imagine that he would've kept going thinking itwas a yeast infection waiting for it to go away, fucking god knows who and how many people? All because he didn't want to think the worst. What a jack ass. I hope the doctor has to run tests that take a few days, just so his worry is prolonged. Of course I could always spread the word about him and his problem... there I am tempted into revenge again.. Will I ever learn? Tiem for bed, we lose an hour of sleep and I really can't be late to work again.