I got my degree in the mail finally. I owe over $100k in loans. I was in the middle of 4 books, but I haven't picked any of them up in a few weeks. I've been watching the moon a lot lately. I know that sounds new age-y, but it's not like that. I like seeing the curve and the shadows in the craters. It's...
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i think the same way.

i am moving to pensacola.
I'm pretty sure the Universe is racing towards its demise, but it won't be for a while, so we might as well enjoy the tumble into the Pit.

Or are we to enjoy a tumble in the sand?

I have two strange purple bumps on my right shoulder. They're close together and very small, about the size of beebees, and actually look like a tiny little hickey from afar. They've been there since I was around 12. I don't know what it is. It hurts like a motherfucker just to touch it, though. I showed it to my doctor once and he just...
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Two words to solve all your problems.

1. New
2. Tool
Today after work I went for a walk. I walked for an hour and a half. I am ever more amazed at how far I can take myself on two legs. I could walk to Cuba if I had the time. I would.

On my walk I had some quiet time to digest some of the information I read in a science article earlier. In...
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I'm touching myself feverishly just from thinking about it.
IS THE WORLD READY FOR THE NEW 'GINA?" is what I just heard behind me on the Discovery Channel. And I turned around so fast my back cracked. I was just sure there was going to be some kind of animatronic vagina documentary on. It was to be the highlight of my day. Robotic poon. Alas, I misunderstood. And yes, I do think the world...
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Be content with what you have;
rejoice in the way things are.
When you realize there is nothing lacking,
the whole world belongs to you.

Lao-tzu in Tao te Ching

So 3 years ago or so, Corey lent me this tiny little translation (seriously, it's 3"x5") of Tao te Ching and I never gave it back. I love it. I never really used it to...
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Manifest plainness,
Embrace simplicity,
Reduce selfishness,
Have few desires.

our buddy Lao Tzu droppin' science
So, about 3 and a half years ago, I began the 2 year graduate program here at South. Tomorrow, I will finally defend my thesis. That is the second to last step in finishing. The last step is making copies and hauling the copies to the graduate school. So, but yeah. Tomorrow. Tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow. The 22nd. At 2. 22222222222mooooorrrrrrroooooowwwwwwwww. I can't help it, I...
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She's content with going nowhere, and in the end that would do nothing but bring you down. I can imagine it hurts, but you are in a much different place in life now than you were when you guys were friends.

I'm guessing I need to work on my nod? ARRR!!!
See, my day started out pretty nice (even though it started out at 5:30am... ahem). There were pleasant words, bad jokes, and then I enjoyed laying in the bed half asleep until around 8am when I had to get up to pee. I sang in the shower (Babes in Toyland - Hello).

And then I read my email. I have unknowingly hurt a friend very...
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don't be so hard on yourself... these things happen, i'm on the receiving end of one right now

just give it time blow over and try to pick up the pieces
Although the bed that we lie on, sometimes doesn't have a pillowtop, or a canopy cover, it's still ours to do with as we must.

Friends and people change. Lives go seperate directions. People say things that they don't really mean, or intend. They may not see it, and you may not see it, but others do. Being inside the situation can put blinders up on both sides.

Take a deep breath, remove yourself from the situation for a little while, if only mentally. See the steps that you've taken to ensure that you haven't lost someone dear to you.

If you see that there is solidity behind her cutting remarks, then do what you have to to right the wrong. If not, then try to explain the situation on your end to them. Sometimes it takes a different point of view for someone to realize that they have been mistaken.

Keep a stiff upper chomper, kiddo. If you need to vent, I'll try harder next time to let you get it out. wink
I got stood up today. Stood up by my ex roommate. She's been pretty pissed at me lately because I don't invite her places (I guess) and I never call. So I'd made a coffee date with her to sit down and talk about the state of our friendship. Namely, that it doesn't exist anymore.

So I show up, and sit there, going over in...
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im not the only one!!! sorry your roommate blew of your date..all my old freinds did that to me to.. which is why their old friends... hope it works out tongue wink
It seems as though people are becoming complete 'tards in our day and age.

Sorry that she blew you off. I know how it feels.

The thing that I try to remember is:

Yes, we did have plans. We had them first, and they blew me off.

That makes it kosher for you to not listen to their complaints. because, hey, you did have plans to hang out. If she's all hot and bothered about seeing you, then she should have kept them.

We need to get together for coffee.
I'm just 3 weeks away. Also, some other things are going on, but I am keeping a lid on them until everything is finalized. Pretty exciting stuff. You just wait, kids.

I am gonna post this thesis, and all you motherfuckers better read it too. I am going to post it word for word. It is the most painful thing you will ever read. And...
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Kids?? whatever I'm 31 and you are 19, I think that makes you the kid round here tongue

Oh and happy mother-fuckin birthday wink
I think you just owned me.

Damn you.

My thesis is gonna be done by March 6th. Actually, it's all going to be written by this sunday, and then all the formatting and shit will be finished by the 6th. Then I will send copies to my committee, and we will schedule a defense on or around the 15th. After they rip me apart at the defense, I will fix what's broke and...
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The three specific sentences that I am about to take you on a journey with are nonetheless.... Pointless.... biggrin

I'm glad that the apartment is awesome, because I was worried. I think that it's great that you're getting to the end of your schooling, due to the fact that the vast majority of America's "young people" deny themselves higher education. And life will be nothing but orgasmic, if you enjoy using what you've learned in school to better your living, financial, and comfort situations.

See? Pointless!

But good job. What the thesis' topic?