I'm excited to start taking german this semester, well excited to get back to school in general. I always thought it was rude if you were staying in a country for a while to not at least learn the basics of their language. Admit idly I'm not all that great with my native language, but I try. I really need to finish my degree though so I can get back to Vermont and start teaching, I don't want to be in the military anymore. One of my friends asked me if after 10 years in the military I still knew who I was... I told him I'm not sure who I am now, but I know who I used to be, and thats who I want to be again. I don't regret the time I've been in, if things hadn't happened how they did I might not have met my wife or had my daughter, but I'm ready to move on now and stop wearing this mask. Only a little less then 4 more years to go
I cross my fingers for your plans!!!