I'm excited to start taking german this semester, well excited to get back to school in general. I always thought it was rude if you were staying in a country for a while to not at least learn the basics of their language. Admit idly I'm not all that great with my native language, but I try. I really need to finish my degree though...
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I cross my fingers for your plans!!!
Well I'm leaving to go back to germany today. It's been nice going to a class and not having to worry about work, but I'm excited to get back home. Not looking forward to the plane ride though, but I have a ton of nintendo games on my laptop to help me through . Now hopefully all my plants will still be alive when I...
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lol I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I'm feeling better these days.. not so sick anymore. And guess what! I got an iphone! woo.
well I'm going to virginia soon for a class, it'll be nice to go back to the states for a little, but I'll miss my wife and daughter. I need to get some new movies...I've got a couple hundred but they're all old now, any recommendations?
I'm so glad we got back in touch... and might I say... your baby girl is ADORABLE!
Never found my umbrella. Sad sad day.
still haven't gotten around to getting my power fixed, but it's really not a big deal since it's just the bedroom. Picked up a wii finally this weekend, it's tons-o-fun. I'm loving it here in Germany but don't wanna go to work Monday we have to wear blues (our dress uniform) it's so uncomfortable.... Well off to bed soon
Yea, I figured his battery would be dead. I'm thinking he went to have a band practice last night, or went out drinking and crashed at his friends, and then they all went out again tonight. I've learned not to overanalyze things anymore.
But you know how it is. Sometimes you just wish they would think of some other way to let you know they were safe, like calling or texting from another person's phone or something. Though I can understand why he might not do that too since it would be long distance.
I've just been looking for things to occupy my mind with til he DOES message me back or whatever. That way I don't think about the bad things that probably AREN'T happening, but could.
But you know how it is. Sometimes you just wish they would think of some other way to let you know they were safe, like calling or texting from another person's phone or something. Though I can understand why he might not do that too since it would be long distance.
I've just been looking for things to occupy my mind with til he DOES message me back or whatever. That way I don't think about the bad things that probably AREN'T happening, but could.
If it wasn't weird and splotchy looking. It was cool at first because the brown had some pinkish highlights, but now its only fading in certain spots. It looks funny. :\ Oh well.
Well last night I made the classic mistake of plugging my computer into the outlet before switching it over to 220v. Big pop and small flames and I was left with burnt out wiring in my bedroom and a toasted power supply. At least it gave me an excuse to upgrade my computer, but I'm kinda scared to find out how much it's going to...
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woops! uh oh! Hope you are able to get it taken care of. Other than that, hope your weekend is gong well
Oh thanks I'm a mess form the morning...I was supposed to do loots of stuff, and I didn't do anything
Well I'm now settled into germany, I was a member here a couple years ago but had other stuff going on so let my membership lapse....luckily some anonymous person gave me a three month membership. So I'm back
Well, I was in Germany up until a few days ago, but I will be going back. Bf has stuff going on for work that I had to leave for. So I'm back in the states for a few weeks visiting family and friends. But I miss/love Germany.
yeah that anonymous thing I've head that happening to quite a few people. hmm. Anyway, I'm feeling better and I agree. It took me a lonnng time to find a dentist that wouldn't scare me to death but I got one now and I'm happy with her. I just lay back get the gas and watch tv its great.