Had an awsome weekend. no overtime so I went shooting with the boys, watched the nerdboy demolish himself with my 10 guage. Has a blast, I need to get my roomate out of the house more often. We barbequed in honor of the roomates youngest daughter graduating high school, A great time, like it always is when I do the cooking. And best of all...
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Been very busy since I got back from Abuelita's funeral. Overtime has been insane at the railroad and People are losing their houses at a terrifying rate. This morning I have the joy of pumping about five or six inches of water out of a basement. Stinky water at that. I really need to go fishing.
Dad's getting better, his mother passed away while he was bedridden and it hadn't looked like he was going to make the funeral service but everything worked out.
Awww - hope all is wellsmile
Hey, let us know what goes on with you...
Did a whirlwind tour of podunk this weekend. Dad was a lot worse than we were told. he's still gonna be ok. but It was really close. My buddy back home put me up 'cause moms house was full, beer and goodtimes there. And if his wife keeps sexually harassing me I'm gonna call her bluff. And aparrently evry moron in the universe went skiing...
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Sent those carbs off yet?
i'm glad that your dad will be okay, i'm sorry he is worse though
Dad's gonna be ok. he's a hurting unit though.
Good to hear -- the "gonna be OK" part, not the hurting part. If it helps, I'll send good thoughts.
Now is not a good time to be one of my elders. both grandma's aro doing rough, and brother called me this morning to say dad's in the hospital with something on his lungs. People, I haven't got my shit together enough to be the friggin' patriarch! Not by a long shot. frown
I went out to start working on the Cj-5 today so I'd have it ready once the weather gets better. It appears that I have a frozen transmission. And after I'd been at work a couple of hours the roomate calls and says " I think your transmission is frozen, and I smoked the clutch pretty good trying to break it loose." Let the Redneck...
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Accept my friendship tongue
It's yours.
ugh, went home sick from work tonight. Bad, bad headache. I thint the sun was trying to drill into my brain.
yay a day off, four hours of wow, one hour of porn. had shish kabobs for dinner and minty oreos for dessert. a good day dammit, why can't there be more like this.
Man, that DOES sound like an excellent day off.

That is one good thing you should remember about being single -- on your days off you get to do whatever you want. That's huge.
Got pulled over on the way home from work tonight, nine more days and I'dve paid the stupid registration.
I will be disowned if I pawn them.
I also have very dire need to keep them at hand, if you read a few entries back, my family is honestly in a bit of a tight spot as far as danger goes. There's no way I can leave myself undefended.
If it weren't for that fucker, I would consider it, but I don't own enough firearms to make it okay for me to do it.
During normal times I would've considered it, and once he's dead I'll probably sell all but one of my very few personal guns in order to move, actually.

Thanks for the suggestion, though. It's something I hadn't even thought of.
I'm on yahoo messenger, if that's what you mean. try me on annabcam02 if you want.