Been without the internet for a few weeks, thankfully I've been too busy to really miss it. I went back to podunk to stand up for my brother as his best man. To my immense suprise there were no Jerry springer moments and the ceremony went off without a hitch. I'm proud of Nic. he never freaked out while we were getting ready, and when we drove to the chapel he didn't get nervous till we were a block away. He didn't even need me to drive around the block. Just manned up and got hitched. My sister in law was cute as a button and the bridesmaids looked great. We groomsmen however looked like creamsicles. I'm not a small man. You put me in a white tuxedo with an orange vest and I'm visible from space. and somehow I managed to get through the ceremony AND the dinner without having to buy my tux.
Me and my brother, I'm the ugly one
My cousin and I, He's half my size and in no way looks related
Brother and his bride.
If I get the photos to post I'll have more cool stuff next blog

If I get the photos to post I'll have more cool stuff next blog